Technical, Techniques, Hints, and Tips > Glue etc.

Quick tip, mixing epoxy

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Are you one of those who mix up epoxy or other glues on scraps of whatever is to hand? Perhaps a bit of wood or plastic maybe? Well this is your saviour!...

Post-It sticky pads :} Get yourself one of these pads, mix your glue, paint or whatever on the top sheet. Then peel off and dispose when finished with it. A pad lasts for ages. since I've been using this my workbench has been much clearer and less likely to stick an elbow or a valuable part to a cast off bit of scrap with glue on it.

Top Tip Hully Gully :-))


Brill tip thanks for that

Like a wet pad but for glue! That is insired Brian. Take a bow for that one  8)



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