Did you get to the show?
The show had a lot to live up to from last year and I must say I thought
it was even better than last year! This year was the 20th
anniversary of the Wings & Wheels Model spectacular and there were
many new features, exhibitors, pilots & displays than there usually was.
Weather? Man it was HOT, not just hot, I meant hot, hot, hot! .... for
some reason the beer (bar) tent was very popular?!?!
I was fortunate enough to get to both days of the show and I'm
sure I didn't see everything! The flight line was very impressive from
vintage to multi-engined to Pattern ships to jets and massive electrics.
But enough of all that plane stuff - BOATS is what I went for !
The big boat tent was fronted by the large and very blue boat pool.
there was always something on the water and usually 4 or 5 at a time.
There was a big timetable sheet with all the available and booked time
slots, dutifully manned and organised by the the Leighton Buzzard MBC,
well done guys! I spent quite a bit of time by the pool chatting to the
modellers, who I love chatting with. We all have a story to tell
about our models, the most popular stories are ( by straw pole ), 1.It
looked hard, 2. No one else has got one. 3, My dad served on her, 4.I
saw the box in the shop. & 5. I bought it off eBay!
Anyway, as usual, I learn quite a
few things from my conversations ( thanks to those that gave me the
"time of day" much appreciated. One bloke even went into the use of
Brushless Motors in model boat.... very interesting..... unfortunately,
way above my head and too much information to comprehend in a single go
( if you recognize yourself here sir - PLEASE email me! ).
There was also a well thought out
kids / try your hand boat pool with indestructible boats provided and
the cutest chrome teapot timers! It's great to see the kids having a go
and slowly realising it's not some Xbox or Playstation thing, this is real
and much better.... no restart button, you have to do it for real! It's
also great fun to see the dads saying, "Here let me show you!" and then
proceed to do much worse!