Dear All,
Maybe some said research into Penicillin was over-the-hill, and indeed many such and other innovations to the benefit of mankind have been available only by advancing science. Granted there has been messing about with nature with GM crops and gene modification, and I do not like this very much, however, CERN is interesting, has already supplied a couple of interesting answers to nuclear power, and has supplied some interesting possibilities for medical science... ok, the latter to be proved, but I am sure that things will be forthcoming. Give the thing a chance to prove itself before damning it! Don't forget they said that the internal combustion engine wouldn't catch on! - likewise the car... and probably the wheel before that! - oh, and they said there would probably be little use for the telephone once upon a time! - and that there would probably be only a very small market for personal computers! - nothing changes.........
Regards, Bernard