hi there now for the next stage of the model, the bit that, for some reason, I dont enjoy making the ship's small boats :)
There is a 25 foot motor boat, two 27 foot whalers and a single 15 foot rowing/day boat. The way I describe is the way I make mine and, like everything else in modelling, its just one method of making them (I know there are many other ways).
First of all, I trace the profile outline of the boat and the top view of the boat out and transfer this onto 1/64 plywood. Then I cut this out (just with a scalpel knife) and glue the profile shape to a piece of balsa wood the correct length and half the width of the boat - as you can see in the photograph.
I then glue the second piece of balsa wood to the opposite side, sandwiching the 1/64 ply shape in the middle, as per photograph. Then, I sand the profile shape so you can just see a feint outline of the ply down the centre. Once I have completed this task I glue the top profile shape onto the top of the balsa sandwich as per photograph.
I cut offthe excess material, as can be seen, with a small saw - then proceed to sand that profile shape in. Once I have a square block, roughly the shape of the two plywood profiles I am making, I then proceed to shape one side of the hull with varying grades of glass paper/sand paper. Once this is complete and I have done both sides, I then carefully hollow out the innards of the model. I use various scalpels and varying chissels to do this, and, I also sometimes use a Dremmel tool.
Once I am quite satisfied with the removal and the shape of the inner hull, I then, simulate the planking on the outside using printer paper and pva glue.
Once this is complete, I give the inside and outside two coatings of sand n sealer with a very light rubdown with wetndry. I give an undercoat of paint and once this has all dried I proceed on fitting the seats and the bottom flooring to the internals.
Hope this is of some help.
John e