Measuring Displacements:Strange that filling a boat with water requires it not to be raining. In this case I needed a dry day to take reasonably accurate ballast volume measurements, using water. I had marked two internal waterlines, one for a 'safe sailing' trim that could be used in conditions other than no wind millpond, then another for the more realistic low freeboard attack mode.
Mounting the hull on a stand, checking with a spirit level, gradually adding water to the lower waterline. 7.0 Litres.
Carry on filling to the upper waterline took an extra 2.7 Litres, therefore each side ballast tank needs to be 1.35 Litres, almost exactly 1.35 Kg although not measured at the S.I. defined 4 degrees C.
Mounting hull level on side, 1.35 Litres was added to one side bulge with position of centre of mass estimated from hull profile. Resulting waterline marked with a waterproof marker.
Using water means the side bulkheads can be made from flat sheet, with a max ballast capacity of 1.35 Kg each.
9.7 Kg total displacement (21.4 lb) including weight of internals and upper-works. Ties up closely to the 20 lb used for the original model.