For a full three weeks now I've been converting my mothers derelict garage into a secure workshop storage unit.
This will give me lots of advantages in that all my engines can go in there along with current project.
My Stevn's Arctic is so heavy even without batteries that lugging it up and down stairs always gives me back problems so this too will move to this new facility.
I've fitted a 100kg Latham steel door for access and a Garolla Roller shutter to the front.
Getting close to moving in now.
Also installed a 4G security camera to watch my mother and her property as she keeps leaving her door open
This also gives me excuse to check she is ok and taking her meds everyday.
If you don't have wifi these are fantastic and cheap to run with a Vodafone SMART sim
Dodgy geezer
I gave my engine and pump combination a once over in preparation for moving it across tomorrow. I'm ecstatic that it started the very first turn of the crank handle