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1/16 RC tanks

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Hi RC tankers;
I suppose many of you may already know, Tamiya is supposed to start selling 1/16 RC BRITISH ARMY CENTURION TANK MkⅢ around a Christmas day here in Japan. The MSRP is ..... .........¥121000 !! %% {:-{ :(( >>:-( :o %) :-)) O0 O0 ???
...The pic is from the Tamiya's website.

From Google, just over £800.

Looks nice but I guarantee that by the time it gets to the UK you are looking at £1000 + and that will be without radio gear.

Oh,no worry about that at all,gent !! %)
There are some very excellent countries around our country,one of which may possibly reproduce so superb and precise a product by the time the Tamiya Centurion tank will reach your region at much more inexpensive and competitive price like 1/3 or 1/4 of the Tamiya price unless you mind of the Tamiya qualities.!! O0 {-) :-)) 
1;1/16 Leopard 2A6 built from the kit other than Tamiya.
2/3/4;Tamiya Leopard 2A6.It is next to impossible to discriminate between the two judging only from their appearances.!!
Needless to say,it's entirely up to you which to choose Tamiya or the other,or both.... :-)) O0 %)
According to Tamiya website,the price of ¥121000 includes everything except Tx batteries,which they call" Full operation set".

Hi Henglong RC tankers,
I could have a spare time to touch my Henglong 1/16 US M1A2 RC tank thanks to bad weather conditions for RC boating
 as to blow a bit rougher in these days here in Tokyo that is not peculiar in the spring.
During this time, I set a plug-in charging system at the bottom of the tank as seen in the pics below.
I don't necessarily think it very useful and practical to install , but just wanted to install it on the tank. {-) %% :-))
Here a plug-in RC tank is complete. :-)) {-) %%

By the way, I wonder when it'll be fine for RC boating on our lake.....???? {:-{ <:( %%


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