been at this for about a year now. the originall plans were sent to me by someone on Sub Committee, soory no idea who, computer crashed and the back up disk was corrupted, luv em dont you just? put the plans into auto cad as a rasta then traced over it to get the frames. these were then pasted onto balsa, cut out and glued to the keel. these were then covered in thin balsa and covered in cloth and resin. the centre section is drain pipe, the diameter of which set the scale. the fore and aft section were then gled to this and more cloth and resin applied to get a strong joint. the lower section is water pipe glued to the bottom, and then thin ply yet again glued to to the drain pipe and water pipe to form the waisting(?) the conning tower is just plastic card formed round templates. easy, not.the three parts were a nightmare to keep level,straight and aligned in all dimension, lots of figs and heart ache before the final fix and boy did i need one.the big hold up at the moment is the kortz nozzle. just waiting for the Robbe 50mm to come in and hoping that it will idea how to sink her, or rather i do, just not sure how to bring her back up again. bit vital in a sub. the silicon i have used for the radio box has still not set, after 3 long days. lifted the lid after a day and wrecked the nice level bead i planned. not goin to well so far. when she has some paint on her i will put on more piccies.