i am using one suppled by Sub-tech. the 1/8th with 4mm adaptor.
just tried her out again in the bath with a extra air box. think it did the trick, well till the battery went flat, lost servo movement, and the pump jammed on, over inflating the bag and it burst. Water sure got in then.prepare yourselves and cover any young innocent ears. *********, ***********,!!!!!!!!!!!!.
just as well the receiver is in a balloon. dont seem to be getting very long out of the battery, wonder if it is becuase it is sitting in water? may try Sheerlines idea. but wil use a cycle inner tube, sealed. any venting will then inflate the tube, indicating there is a problem, what do you reckon?
goint to try a smaller air box.
any way, till then i think that no water got in. never turned the motor on though.
oh why did i ever start this, and there i am thinking of doing an X-Craft. thats on the back burner till i sort this wee beasty out.
brace yourselves, hoping to get up to Black Park this sunday. expect to find an empty pond now i have said that.