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Author Topic: T/X battery drain!  (Read 2902 times)


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T/X battery drain!
« on: April 17, 2008, 11:01:21 pm »

I've started a new thread from the r/c need help, as I have now identified WHERE the problem is. but i dont know yet WHAT the problem is >:( >:(

The T/X is draining the battery at a very fast rate. With a volt meter connected, it drains at 1/10th of a volt per second when turned on. That gives me about 30 seconds of useable power

I dont have either a spare T/X or battery, so am now wondering which way to go.

Does anyone know how fast a T/X should use power?
or how long a 9.6 volt 1500 mah NH battery should last in a basic 4 way T/X?



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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 11:07:14 pm »

Depends how good your batteries are


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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 11:22:59 pm »

It sounds like you have a short-circuit somewhere there. Nothing in the world of RC transmitters should drain power like that. Do the batteries get hot? Check the charging socket for wire whiskers or a terminal touching another where it shouldn't. Your battery should be good for several hours.
If you can't sort it then looks like it's back to base for Mr Tranny.


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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 11:26:44 pm »

Sunnybob and I quote you from your other thread   I recharged (and it recharged up to 9 volts in only a couple of minutes), but when i turned the charger off, the voltage started dropping at an amazing rate, even with the T/X turned off.
You have simply not given the batts long enough to charge,Put them on for 24hrs charging then see what happens,if it is still draining remove batts recharge place small bulb and time how long it takes to flatten.If it goes dammed quick then may i suggest you contact Component shop and get a replacement,web add in Traders directory



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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 11:49:43 pm »

Stavros, i'll give it an overnight charge. I've nothing else to do now. as its nearly midnight :).

heres hoping, but I have to admit to being a pessimist.

I looked all over that T/X and couldnt find a problem. The battery doesnt drain when the thing is switched off, so its not the charging circuit.

I 'll report back tomorrow O0


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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2008, 08:38:04 am »

Stavros, go to the top of the class!! ;D ;D
It all works this morning. O0

Another step on the never ending staircase of learning. I assumed that because the battery charge light went steady, the battery was charged. Oh silly me >:(

I shall have to make sure its always charged overnight before using it.

Now though, I've found another problem :'( :'( One of the prop shafts is bent, and is causing a lot of resistance to the motor. So now it looks as though I'm going to have to replace them after all, which i have tried to avoid.

I hate refurbing old stuff. Its much simpler to buy new, isnt it?

Thanks again for all the advice.

John W E

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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2008, 08:41:51 am »

Hi there

Pleased that you found the fault, and its a simple one - easy on the pocket  O0 O0 O0

john e
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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2008, 12:51:35 pm »

I had the same problem sometime ago with my TX someone suggested a 15 hr charge the batteries are fine on a Sunday now. O0

Andy. ;)


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Re: T/X battery drain!
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2008, 10:06:16 pm »

I think many Tx's are supplied with a battery of around 960mAh which isnt a lot of capacity! Next, the trickle charger usually supplied with the Tx \ Rx usually has a Tx charge rate of around 50mAh or 120mAh if you're lucky. That means you need a good 16 hours to recharge. Your first charge may even need to be something like 20 hours! If your Tx pack has a bigger capacity and you charge with a trickle charger, you could have to put it on charge for a couple of days!

If the Tx batteries run out quickly and you've been giving them a full 16 hour charge, suspect one or more of the individual cells have given up. Found this out on my lad's Tx at the car club. Cells taking a full charge but then quickly losing it. Replaced all the cells and problem gone!
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