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Author Topic: Futaba receiver connections  (Read 5047 times)


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Futaba receiver connections
« on: August 14, 2006, 11:36:02 pm »

I have a Futaba R137F 7 Channel receiver, the servo leads I have (and powerlead)are Hitec and fit both ways. Does anybody know which is the Positive and which is the Negative and signal poles, bearing in mind these connections are on the side of the receiver and run top to bottom, sure the Positive is the centre pole but is the negative above or below it?(logic says below it but I'm not sure and dont want to damage it)

Anybody out there able to confirm?


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Re: Futaba receiver connections
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 12:37:18 am »

Do you have a Futaba servo, if you connect that with the correct plug you will have the wiring.

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Re: Futaba receiver connections
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 12:49:39 am »

The signal wire is next to the notch on the receiver. I don't think you can do any damage if you plug it the wrong way.... I must have done it a hundred times.... :(


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Re: Futaba receiver connections
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 08:27:18 am »

I always work black wire to the outside of the reciever
I'm not old I'm mature middle aged


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Re: Futaba receiver connections
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 12:04:55 pm »

When a designer works out a PCB (like a radio receiver) he usually wants the ground line around the outside edge as far as possible to give some sheilding.  Thus the outside row of connections are the gound line, usually black.  The positive power rail requires a straight run as well, and is usually the next row, normally red.  The signal wires need to be connected all over the PCB, and are conveniently located furthest inboard, normally the yellow wire.  As there is not normally a DC path on the signal wire, no harm occurs when plugging in back-to front (just as well).
Some manufacturers had, and possibly still have, their own ideas about what order the connections should be in, and what colour the wires should be, but I have found that Futaba, Hi-Tec and Acoms conform to the same standard.  Manufacturers will still try to "lock you in" by making the hole in the receiver case a different shape to anybody else's, and moulding the plug a bit differently, but it's usually nothing that a modeller with a sharp knife can't cure.
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Re: Futaba receiver connections
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2006, 12:36:21 am »

Many thanks to you all, Mankster confirmed it for me with the signal wire next to the notch! all up and running now, just got to think what to do with the other4 channels!

Best regards to you all

Bud Lane (budlia)         l
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