Okay guys, I find myself perusing the web looking at submarines and submariners

I am rapidly reaching the completion of my current (surface vessel) boat Venezia Vaporetto, in the Your Builds thread , and thoughts are already turning to a new project.
Gorra keep the therapy going in ya !
Anyways, as an experienced modeller, ( some 30 models or so under my belt)the thought of trying a sub , appeals.....
Clearly, without wishing to rush in ( fools etc) and pay a small fortune, I thought I may think about dipping my toes in...
to this end.... The Robbe Seawolf v2 seems to be a likely candidate, though, for scale looking vessels, I also like the look of the Krick v11b and the Robbe u47 and the U2540.
( Not seen much comment about the Krick one here)
I still feel, KISS, is the way to go...... spend a little, see if one likes it.....then commit more time and money if the sub theme really bites.
What do you think peeps ? All advice welcome, and will be added to the melting pot before a decision is made
