Dear Brian,
I am currently researching Belfast at the moment, and in parallel destroyers in gnrl. (I have a museum qual. HMS Kelly, and I use this as my template for British destroyers - I know of course that Cossack is a two funnel). As is my way, once I get my teeth into research I do it thoroughly, and, thanks to the help of Bob, John Haynes, and Deans, 'THE' book on Belfast now, I am getting on my way with 'all' things. It's not easy getting you head around things 'new', and, whilst my Family has been involved with things nautical for may years (one part in the merchant Navy since the 1890's, and the other with Yarrows in Glasgow since the 1930's - and whilst I have a good source of info. in Bae but limited due to records now), things, and terminolgy that I have normally taken for granted have taken a new turn, in that I must directly and definitly have identification. I must therefore turn to this - dare I say our as indeed I am but a new member - excellent source of info.. My knowledge now is extensive, however, it is erratic, in as much that whilst I have loads of data, it is a question of getting it in proper order! My reasearch has/has been wide and varied, and encompasses a great deal as you can imagine, so, considering prev. tech. guidance from some, some vague guidance from others, some really excellent advice from two partic. sources, & my own now extensive follow-up research, there is rather rather a lot going on. Therefore, in one sense I know what I am talking about, but in another I don't! - just a slight lack of gnrl. overall knowledge that's all! Sooner or later I will have the answers to hand, and I am not too far away, but, as a WW1 General once said, there is nothing more dangerous than an enthuistic amateur!!!!!!!!! - so I will try not to fit the latter category!
Out of the two WW2 British flotillas of eight destroyers only a few survived the war, sadly Kelly and Cossack did not. The Canadian and Aust. vessels faired rather better. Kelly I have ills. of, but Cossack only ills. of paintings.
Regards, Bernard2