The story teller, or the boat?
The story teller for sure Tug , I am the guilty author

It all started during the early days of Springer mania when Toesup and I , unknown to each other , tried to capitalize on the deck-washing characteristics of the Springer hull design. Someone suggested that it might win an award at one of the Springer events in the UK but that never happened . Toes had sent Red O to Scotland to Norry , Mayhem member who knew the UK model boat events circuit. When that award idea was poo-poohed we decided to make the effort worthwhile by sending it wrong way round, BY Any Means style. I took it to a couple of Baltic countries then annual hols to Bavaria and left it with a local modeller to pass-on where went . A long time later it arrived in Japan Where it featured in a major model Magazine. It was then mistakenly sent Toes in California, U.S.A. thereby missing many modellers waiting in Hawaii, China. Oz and NZ, sorry guys.