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Author Topic: New to the Hobby? Your first boat, a RTF (Ready To Float)  (Read 49369 times)


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Re: New to the Hobby? Your first boat, a RTF (Ready To Float)
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2010, 02:55:44 pm »

I thought this was going to be a bit simplistic, but as I read through I thought that there is a place for this kind of starter info, and it could really help someone.

Two points:

I echo Guy in calling for a test before putting it in the pond. Give it a test in the bath - you know you want to!. Just remember to hold on tightly...

I also am very unhappy about the lack of starter boats for kids. I have set up a web-site - - to show the kind of models we made in 1960-1980, with plans to hopefully encourage todays kids to try making their own. No matter how good a ready-built boat is, one you have made yourself is much better....

Also its wiser NOT to be in the bath at the same time.... as a prop spinning at 10,000 +rpm will do the wedding vegatables no good at all lol  %%
One By One The Penguins Steal My Sanity
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Re: New to the Hobby? Your first boat, a RTF (Ready To Float)
« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2011, 11:14:27 pm »

i have a RTR bizmark...tiny little thing, unlikely ill ever runn it tho as it is so overpowered she pushes her stern under the water when she goes forward and im kinda scared ill lose her


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Re: New to the Hobby? Your first boat, a RTF (Ready To Float)
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2013, 09:31:13 am »

My first boat is the bristolbay rtr
just got it about 2 months ago and im hooked like a big fish
tourists would ask me to bring it near the shore so they can video picture it
with the 5000 nihm battery I was using scale run would give you over 2 hours run time
ill get bored even before I ran out of juice
which made me want to get the aquacraft atlantic tugboat
but I changed my mind about getting that one
I want to try and build a tugboat
like they said

if you worked hard on it
You will know how to take good care of it
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