A number of points have been aired on frequencies. Perhaps I can help.
First, a simple one. The maximum power output on the toy band (49MHz) is 10mW.
When can you use 35MHz in the UK? Only when the model does fly in the air. If it is limited to the ground or water (including hovercraft) then use 40MHz or the other available bands.
Although most countries in Europe use the basic 27, 35, and 40MHz bands there are differencies in each country. You can check by looking at
www.ukrcc.org for details of the allocations in other countries. Although there are European recommendations for the model control bands, not all countries have adopted them yet. This is usually because they have been previously allocated for other uses and it takes a considerable time to change. In particular, the French R/C frequencies are not the same. But, their Authority is working hard to bring their bands into line.
The 2.4GHz band is also being sorted out in Europe and some Western European countries have yet to agree to its use for model control. There was an important European meeting recently on this very matter and the Authorities are in the process of preparing the recommendations. Ofcom representitives are very much involved in this process and are well aware of our requiremens.
If you want further information you can contact me through the UKRCC website.