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Author Topic: 2.4 meg question  (Read 8579 times)


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2.4 meg question
« on: January 05, 2009, 08:47:17 pm »

Hi guys....i am going 2.4 meg , but before i buy what system is best  ? A lot of people have advised me to stay away from spectrum and buy futaba , but with the dx5 coming in at £60 it is very attractive....Question what is wrong with the spectrum set and why does nearly everyone advise the dearer futaba set.

              HELP !!!!! can you guys who have got these sets set me on the path to enlightenment ...PLEASE !!!!!!!



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 09:00:45 pm »

Bob first of all what type of boat is it going in,i use the spektrum dx6i with no problems at all.
Some of the fast racers prefer futaba,its personal choice to what you put in


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2009, 09:16:31 pm »

Hi mark.... it wil be swopped around between models , but nothing is really that quick , the fastest thing i have at the moment is an aerokits crash tender running a speed 600 on 12volts , it will probably be used in a paddle steamer and a couple of warships .

         I just wonder why so many people are saying to avoid the spectrum and buy futaba.

                regards ...bob.


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2009, 09:24:49 pm »

Just get the Spektrum, you won't regret it.


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2009, 09:28:32 pm »

Go for dx6i if you can,10 memory function,buy new rx for £44 take two boats one tx to the pond


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2009, 09:34:35 pm »

Hi mark.... it wil be swopped around between models , but nothing is really that quick , the fastest thing i have at the moment is an aerokits crash tender running a speed 600 on 12volts , it will probably be used in a paddle steamer and a couple of warships .

         I just wonder why so many people are saying to avoid the spectrum and buy futaba.

                regards ...bob.

If you search around on the forum you'll find a couple of recent threads on this topic and I don't particularly want to have the same rather polarised debate again  :((

My view, which I think is reasonably representative, is that either make is fine for scale and sail ie nothing particularly fast or dangerous.    I use a DX6 and DX5e with absolutely no problems so far in steam and sail boats.   WRT fast ic and electric boats, while my understanding is that Spektrum sets are used successfully by some people, there is a strong and vocal view that the Futaba FAAST technology is inherently better than Spektrum DSM/DSM2 and that Futaba sets are thus per se safer in these craft.

For more info on the differences may I refer my honourable friend to the article in MB a few months ago under my byline!

IMHO there's no doubt that, for the average club potterer, the DX5e represents a very economical way into 2.4GHz.





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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2009, 09:46:10 pm »

Thanks for that guys , it looks like a spectrum it will  be.........still wonder why so many people say buy futaba though.



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2009, 09:59:02 pm »

It would seem to some that the Spektrum can sometimes have glitches of fractions of a second as it switches from one frequency to another.  I can only ever see this as a concern if you are racing at the highest levels and even then I would question the concern.

For the rest of us mere mortals I think there is little to choose between the two, with them both using a slightly different technology to control the signal.  I have a Dx6i and I am absolutely amazed at the strength and reliability of the signal when compared to my old 40 meg units.  I also now have a total of five models set up to work with it so, although it cost me an additional 40 odd pounds for each of the recievers, I only have to use one radio for five of my models and I don't have to worry about pegs, frequencies, crystals, single conversions etc...etc..!!

I would strongly recommend if you can to stretch to the Dx6i which will be usefull for you for a lot further into the futurer than the 5 and that bit more useful but either way I guarrantee that you will be happy.

Don't worry about what you have heard the Spektrum units are brilliant.
"Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smoke stack, Butting through the Channel in the mad March days"


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2009, 10:01:33 pm »

Haven't spectrum got two systems out now that are not compatable with each other ? and isn't the new system similar to futaba in the way it works, ? and isn't that system similar in price to tuba, when it first came out I was about to Buy a spectrum , but it was apparent from there web site that it had come out before it was ready in the first 12 months there where a lot of problems. it put me off a bit, also the total lack of boats mentioned on there site, I also see they have now put the receiver all together in the new system, no bit of wire between two halves of the receiver, so does that blow the 2,4 works better when separated, Futabe made a big thing about custom chips for there equipment, and from what i have heard spectrum are now doing the same. Futaba did have the bind problem that was sorted but if you go on the sectum site so did they and another 7 problems.



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2009, 10:16:15 pm »

Haven't spectrum got two systems out now that are not compatable with each other ? and isn't the new system similar to futaba in the way it works, ? and isn't that system similar in price to tuba, when it first came out I was about to Buy a spectrum , but it was apparent from there web site that it had come out before it was ready in the first 12 months there where a lot of problems. it put me off a bit, also the total lack of boats mentioned on there site, I also see they have now put the receiver all together in the new system, no bit of wire between two halves of the receiver, so does that blow the 2,4 works better when separated, Futabe made a big thing about custom chips for there equipment, and from what i have heard spectrum are now doing the same. Futaba did have the bind problem that was sorted but if you go on the sectum site so did they and another 7 problems.


Spektrum use DSM and have introduced and improved version designated DSM2.   DSM2 TXs are backwards compatible with DSM RXs but DSM TXs are not forward compatible with DSM2 RXs.  So if you have a DX6 (not i) and several Rxs (say AR6000) you could buy a DX6i and the RXs will be fine though I can't see a reason for doing that given the DX6i offers little benefit to a boat modeller over the DX6 IMHO.   WRT what to buy now, the DX5e is an economical option but with only one memory so if you use it with several models (RXs) you need to rebind each time you change models.   OTOH it's dead simple to set up.    However if easy multi model use is important thaen it may be worth getting the DX6i even though it's more complex to set up as each of the 10 memories binds independently so you can swap between 10 models without the need to rebind.

WRT RXs, Spektrum still make RXs with 2 separate heads in DSM2 but in fact the DX500 supplied as standard with the DX5e does much the same thing as the second aerial is on the end of a 6 inch mini-coax cable.   Ideal for positioning it high up in the superstructure.   The twin RX system is far more relevant in aircraft where the relationship between TX and RX is changing in 3 dimensions from moment to moment.




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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2009, 10:26:15 pm »

Still not a single mention of boats on there web site, and aren't the new updated systems the same price as futaba anyway, there is nothing on there site about the dsm system so has it been dropped and is that why spectrum equipment was Being sold cheap to clear old stocks.



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2009, 10:38:10 pm »

Still not a single mention of boats on there web site, and aren't the new updated systems the same price as futaba anyway, there is nothing on there site about the dsm system so has it been dropped and is that why spectrum equipment was Being sold cheap to clear old stocks.


There was a ref to boats on the DX6 page a while ago.  It might have been changed.   Spektrum have moved from DSM to DSM2 as I remarked below.   DSM2 still uses two frequencies as DSM did - not frequency hopping.    The main difference is on the receive end where the Rx consists of 2 x 2 channel units so effectively 4 receive paths (twice as many as DSM) and an additional bit in the sampling giving 1024 possible levels aginst the previous 512. I'm not sure if we'd notice the difference but they claim that the heli boys do.   Another tweak is smart make-up of the order of transmitted data so that mixed channels are transmitted as close together as possible.




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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2009, 11:32:03 pm »


I've owned both the Futaba 6EXA and the Spektrum DX5e - primarily for compatibility testing with our units.
I subsequently gave away the Futaba and have kept the Spektrum. I have no use for a ten-model memory; I couldn't care less how the signals reach the receiver (as long as they keep doing so reliably), and I resent having to replace the Tx battery pack in a brand new set because the one supplied wouldn't last an hour between charges. The so-called 6 channel Futaba is really only a 4 + 2 in that the extra two channels are just ON/OFF......and cannot be changed to proportional, even by the Ripmax-Futaba Service Centre. Poor VFM at £120 without servos c/w £60 for the DX5e........and check out that "second Rx" price for the Futaba!

There are issues with the throttle failsafe on the DX5e when used with electronic speed controllers, but Guy and I have each found a neat work-around (his is probably neater than mine, but both work and are simple to do).

At the end of the day it's down to personal preference, but you did  ask........ ok2



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2009, 05:11:11 pm »

Why thank you FLJ, at last someone who agrees with me.

A small question for anybody here that may know, why is it that the T6EX2.4 has two switches, that cannot be changed, whereas my two T6EXAP's on 35mhz both have a switch AND a pot, that can be changed.

Will be sticking with Specktrum, both in my cars, electric race cars and boats. Have currently got a DX6i (on which I have already filled all 10 memories with cars), a DX5e and am looking to get another DX5e.


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2009, 07:51:23 pm »

the DX5e is an economical option but with only one memory so if you use it with several models (RXs) you need to rebind each time you change models.   OTOH it's dead simple to set up.    However if easy multi model use is important thaen it may be worth getting the DX6i even though it's more complex to set up as each of the 10 memories binds independently so you can swap between 10 models without the need to rebind.


I do not quite understand your need to re-bind receivers with the DX5e. For example I have a DX5e which I use for two boats. I have a AR500 Rx in each, both bound to my one transmitter. To switch from one model to the other I just need to turn off one Rx and turn on the other and away we go. Or am I missing something?

Bob Vaughan


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2009, 08:26:42 pm »

Bob you have answered a question that noones asked,if you can bind different rx's to one tx as you have done,why bother with model memory.
The memory in say a dx6i,stores up to 10 boats/cars.If you want a particular boat to have bow thrusters/water jets and any other goodies the memory will store them.
If you just change a dx5e to another vehicle/boat you will have to set it all up again.
Thats the way i interpret it,not sure if thats the real answer


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2009, 08:31:59 pm »

the DX5e is an economical option but with only one memory so if you use it with several models (RXs) you need to rebind each time you change models.   OTOH it's dead simple to set up.    However if easy multi model use is important thaen it may be worth getting the DX6i even though it's more complex to set up as each of the 10 memories binds independently so you can swap between 10 models without the need to rebind.


I do not quite understand your need to re-bind receivers with the DX5e. For example I have a DX5e which I use for two boats. I have a AR500 Rx in each, both bound to my one transmitter. To switch from one model to the other I just need to turn off one Rx and turn on the other and away we go. Or am I missing something?


Hi Bob

No you're quite right.  I've been doing a lot of tests with a DX5e and a DX6 and an AR500 and AR6000 receivers and got my results confused.   No problem binding more than one AR500 or AR???? come to that.  The problem arises if you bind an AR500 (DSM2) and then an AR6000 (DSM).   At that point it'll forget the AR500 and the same vice versa.   It seems that the TX "knows" the type of RX it's bound to and can only bind to one type at a time.   Whether this means only DSM or DSM2 or whether the actual RX model matters as well I can't say ATM.

The advantage of model memories on the DX6i is that you can have entirely different settings for the various channel parameterrs stored for each model.  With the DX5e you need to remember trim settings etc for each different model.    Whether it's worth the extra money for that is IMHO a moot point.




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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2009, 08:35:09 pm »

ER.......My brain hurts now {-)   wish i hadn't asked now :-))  liooks like its gonna be the dx6i.thanks for all the info guys even though i dont understand some of it....senior moment you know



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2009, 09:31:52 pm »

Bob you have answered a question that noones asked,if you can bind different rx's to one tx as you have done,why bother with model memory.
The memory in say a dx6i,stores up to 10 boats/cars.If you want a particular boat to have bow thrusters/water jets and any other goodies the memory will store them.
If you just change a dx5e to another vehicle/boat you will have to set it all up again.
Thats the way i interpret it,not sure if thats the real answer


In my case I set all my models up so the trims are always centred and the servos all work the same way around so switching from one model to another is straight forward. Don't go in for multi-functions, bow thrusters etc. so I lead a simple uncomplicated life. I do use the occasional switch unit to turn lights on and off but that's about it. Multiple model memories are just not a requirement. The DX5e with additional receivers suits me perfectly.

Bob Vaughan


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2009, 09:49:37 pm »

Glad you are happy with your system,ihave no need for all the things the dx6i can do,was just lucky got it at the same price as the dx5e,
i only go forward/backward/left/right,then burn motor out.Because there is no thing as half throttle  {-)


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2009, 12:10:10 am »

Hi DJ,

I won't make your brain hurt anymore, but Santa got me the Spectrum DX5 system for Christmas. You see, if you get the December issue of MMI, and leave it open to the article on the Spectrum 2.4 systems, she will eventually get the hint. And hopefully at the same time, get you another cuppa. Been abit chilly so I haven't tried it at the pond yet, I'll let you know how I get on when the ice melts.



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2009, 03:24:17 pm »

May I point out at this point that for the price of a Futaba reciever you van get a complete nice shiney new Spektrum radio set for each model, so no need to rebind :-))


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2009, 10:30:13 pm »


I've owned both the Futaba 6EXA and the Spektrum DX5e - primarily for compatibility testing with our units.
I subsequently gave away the Futaba and have kept the Spektrum. I have no use for a ten-model memory; I couldn't care less how the signals reach the receiver (as long as they keep doing so reliably), and I resent having to replace the Tx battery pack in a brand new set because the one supplied wouldn't last an hour between charges. The so-called 6 channel Futaba is really only a 4 + 2 in that the extra two channels are just ON/OFF......and cannot be changed to proportional, even by the Ripmax-Futaba Service Centre. Poor VFM at £120 without servos c/w £60 for the DX5e........and check out that "second Rx" price for the Futaba!

There are issues with the throttle failsafe on the DX5e when used with electronic speed controllers, but Guy and I have each found a neat work-around (his is probably neater than mine, but both work and are simple to do).

At the end of the day it's down to personal preference, but you did  ask........ ok2


Hi Dave,

Hope you and Mrs. Leather Jacket had a nice Christmas, just a quick question about the little 3 plug plastic connectors. I was trying to bind the new Spectrum DX5e tonite and the Futaba connectors have a guie ridge down one side that won't allow plugging into the AR500 receiver. Are there 3 prong plastic connecters without this guide bit or should I just file that bioff?

y the way, off to Gran Canaria in Feb, SWMBO wanted to go bac to Madiera but I wanted somewhere with abit more sand. {-)



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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2009, 10:40:44 pm »

Hi Dave,
Hope you and Mrs. Leather Jacket had a nice Christmas, just a quick question about the little 3 plug plastic connectors. I was trying to bind the new Spectrum DX5e tonite and the Futaba connectors have a guide ridge down one side that won't allow plugging into the AR500 receiver. Are there 3 prong plastic connectors without this guide bit or should I just file that bioff?
By the way, off to Gran Canaria in Feb, SWMBO wanted to go bac to Madiera but I wanted somewhere with abit more sand. {-)

You can easily replace Futaba plug shells with Hitec types - PM or ring me if you want a few - or just file off the little web on the side. Make sure you fit the plug into the Rx with the Black wire to the edge of the case.
We're off to The Azores - even less sand than Madeira!


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Re: 2.4 meg question
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2009, 11:09:02 pm »

The Azores? Aw, man.... lucky "xxxxx"!
Got any room in yer luggage for 1 x waif and stray?
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