Hi Guys...
I've recently taken on board(!) a Dean's Cossack kit and it is in need of a refurb. Didn't realise just how old this model actually was (and how much work was going to be necessary) until it arrived on my dining table!

Anyway, I started cleaning up some of the externals, but also needed to establish the internal workings fairly quickly so I can run some trials before doing a full re-paint job on the hull. There are two Dean's Kondors (in good clean working order, but with no couplings) which previously had been 'secured' as per the Dean's instruction book with an elastic band through three screw hooks! Now here's where the age of this kit comes into the equation... the elastic has perished - gone, finitto, kaput - it is an ex elastic band!

So problem..... next to mixing up some epoxy (which I'm not too keen on to be honest for this application, but will if I have to!!) can anyone suggest a means of re-securing these motors into position, bearing in mind the access is now mega poor (see pic) and lining up motor and prop shafts already looks nigh-on impossible as you can see! (motor virtually horzontal - angled propshaft!) :(
No, sorry, I'm not ripping the deck off!

Thanks in advance.... Brian
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