Good question, not sure at this point, but instinctively I feel all will be ok - why? Well, under the control block there are 2 pumps and one bowthruster, the pumps I expect to only run for 3 to 4 mins at a time, the bow thruster only occasionally, so no great amount of heat there.
The pumps pull less than 2 amps, controlled by 3 amp switchers, so lots of spare capacity there. The bow thruster is well under 10a, with a 10a controller - again spare capacity.
The battery you see there is only for the control block, there is another one situated aft (yet to be fitted) that will drive the main motor.
If cooling is required, there is room in the superstructure to mount a small fan to blow over the electronics.
When I do full test tank trials I will be able to get a proper feel for any heat issues. fingers crossed.