If you do decide to build one, let me know, there are a few things I would do differently to the way I did it.
It isn't about deciding to build one. It has been about time and space.
You know how much research I have on these ships as far as referance images, and line drawings.
What has come up, is that a local, public, workshop is opening, and they have asked me to help supervise
the shop four days a month. I will be hanging about a wood shop, metal shop, and sewing shop, with
more tools to yet to arrive. So I figure that instead of watching people work on projects I can do a couple
of my own on the side...
Timing... I hear there is a laser cutter that is supposed to land in the shop soon.
If I can cut the frames from acrylic, how the heck would I sheet to it?
Ian, your experience and suggestions are most certainly welcome.