Hi Martin, no specific character just as an (Indian Wars) cavalry officer .. I have always done Indian Wars Cavalry as at the time of getting into the old west everyone did ACW .. also as a 'cowboy' it was a generic representation, ran a group, had my own chuckwagon etc. ... I did have it in mind to post on Other Hobbies forum about the western side of things but wondered if it would be too left field on the forum as a whole ..
I did begin to realise though that in the US re-enactment and living history were somewhat separate things whereas in the UK they are accepted as the same thing, 'living history' in the US being where someone actually took on the personna of a person from history and dressed and looked like them where they could using actual photos from the period .. taking it a little too far for me though when and where some copied characters from films .. I don't mean the film star lookalikes, but buying actual film props or making the clothes to look like a character from a film.
NB; for the politically correct out there .. if I am talking historically then I will call them Indians as that is what they were know as then, as well of course as by other names, savages, hostiles etc etc. .. if Im talking modern day I will say Native Americans.