Now it's not worth getting the guns right unless you have some sound.
I spent a lot of time looking round for a sound module that would let me have a few sounds to play with, without an engine sound! This is not easy to find, but after talking the Dave at Action I went for the P100 sound module and the additional CD for programming it. I must say congratulations on such a simple yet powerful application

. After a couple of experiments I soon had it working and after reading the extra manual on the CD I had the sounds setup and loaded.
Now as the G3 is not a particularly small boat, I thought I would have a decent sound system. So 1x75W woofer and 1x12W tweeter with a good sized car Amp later, I had a very nice sounding system (good enough to be heard from the Sitting room, while testing in the garden and thats a 12" thick brick wall!

I have uploaded a video for you to here the sounds, so follow the link and enjoy
