Gents...a few points if I may

The actual [ordinance] barrel diameter if listed as 15"...was something like an inside diameter of 14.87" includling the "helical rifling" the projectile was subjected to two forces

1. the explosive force of the charge within the ordinance to propel the projectile ........
2. the constraining force [diametrical interference] within the helical rifling in the ordance length of calliber ...which was used to keep the projectile on or inline with the traget
Remember...caliber is a mathmetical function or the relationship of [length of barrel to length of projectile] over diameter of bore
I am sure these points will be self explanatory.....

Mechanical computers....yes

would have precluded a projectile hoist premission to elevate the projectile up to the barrel breech .... unless a ZERO elevation permissive signal was obtained.......same would have followed for charges & ramming function........Derek