1/ If its 18"x8", square box, built to the PNW drawings, the San Francisco drawings.. or the multiple (imperial / Metric) drawings that have appeared on here, fitted a standard motor / prop combination and are running it on 6v / 7.2v... then you have a Springer.
2/ If its 18"x8", square box, built to the PNW drawings, the San Francisco drawings.. or the multiple (imperial / Metric) drawings that have appeared on here, fitted an oversized motor / prop combination and are running it on anything over 7.2v... then you have a Super Springer
3/ If its a multiple or division of the 18"x8", square box, fitted a motor / prop combination to suit and runninga voltage to suit.. then you have either a reduced / enlarged Springer.. or a reduced / enlarged Super Springer
4/ If you have something with a pointy bow that was not built off of the PNW, SF or drawings that have appeared on the Springer thread here or on RC Groups... then you DONT have a Springer, you have something else.
You dont call a Mini a Rolls Royce do you?