Sorry you are having the problems - hope we can guide you towards sorting them out
Not sure where you are in the Midlands, but you need someone to help with the bits to substitute to find the problem - I'm in Leicester but have no 40Mhz bits to substitute
If you would like to PM me I'm happy to see if we can get you together with someone with a pile of bits

The dealer you got it from has a pile of bits - and the obligation to replace anything duff!
Something MAY be non-working, but almost certainly nothing is blown

There is nothing wrong with BEC anything - neither the initials or the BEC are part of your problem
Sorry to contradict someone, but 5.6 V from 4 Ikea alkalines is a definite sign that one of more is unhappy (new or not) - they should be welll over 6V.
Suggestions - lose the switch harness - at least for trial purposes - plug the lead from the battery directly into the Rx - as a fellow mayhemmer suggested try the battery in all the sockets (Always with the black at the outside - nearest the edge of the Rx) ( all the Receiver power pins are basically the same connections - only the signal pins are divided to each channel.
Good try with the crystals - they both seem to be inserted into little "carriers". Even though you have tried swappping them it is not certain that ther are a pair all - it is what it written on the crystal, not the carrier, that matters - can you see the little writing on the crystal?
It should have Tx and Rx and the same channel frequency in small writing on the side of the oval aluminium crystal itself - please don't try to winkle them out of the carrier - they can lose pins easily.
Otherwise any reputable trader would be concerned if something they sold was faulty, or even believed to be faulty. You might have a word with them, and a visit would identify the snagette in minutes

Your rudder lnkage is fine

There is quite sufficient "compliance" in the system to cope with the two planes of motion

PM on the way to you