I had one of these,and my mate Artur built it, and have to say,for the money,it was great value,and contray to what others have said, i found it a very cheap way into submarines,I will admit that the hull detail is not on par with the likes of the Robbe ,or the sheerline, or Revell, but when you consider what the 1st two cost,and the Revell is a kit that has to be converted,Then the Krick is great value for money,so much so, that when i eventually sold mine i got £298 + postage for it,I,ve seen Robbe,s fetch less
The Krick that is on ebay is the U25 and it is a semi static dive, by semi i mean it has a ballast tank and pump but it will not go all the way under by just flooding the tank,it will only go down to the point where the deck is covered with water,then you have to use the hydroplanes
As for it only being made of ABS, well thats what the Robbe,s made of,i,ve incuded some pics of mine when it was completed and ?? just ask,