Hi All,
I have a model of 'Le Sphinx' by New Maquettes.

It is a 'long, thin' boat with twin props and a single rudder. Consequently the turning circle is pretty rubbish.
I have tried a Mtronics VTail mixer but it was not very satisfactory because it gave too much mixing.
Up until now I have been using a pair of micro switches with a slave rudder servo which was set up to turn off
the inside prop at three quarter rudder movement. This has worked quite well but I have been looking for something better.
Having recently bought a Turborix 2.4Ghz Radio set I decided to do some experiments with the mixing functions.
I have now succeeded, and managed to program the Tx to provide exactly what I have been looking for, and thought that
the information might be of use to other members of the forum.
I programmed to mixer functions as follows using the T6Config program:-
Connect rudder servo to Chan 1
Connect Esc 1 to Chan 3
Connect Esc 2 to Chan 5
Set up the mix functions on the transmitter as follows.
1. Mix Num Mix 1 This makes the two ESCs operate identically from Ch 3 stick.
Source Ch 3
Des Ch 5
Up Rate 100%
Down Rate 100%
Switch On
2. Mix Num Mix 2 This adds 30% of the rudder movement to Ch 3.
Source Ch 1
Des Ch 3
Up Rate 30%
Down Rate 30%
Switch Sw A
3. Mix Num Mix 3 This subtracts 30% of the rudder movement from Ch 5.
Source Ch 1
Des Ch 5
Up Rate -30%
Down Rate -30%
Switch Sw A
You may have to swap over the + and - from Chan 3 to Chan 5 according to which is Port and Starboard,
but I hope you understand the principle of the operation. I have found that in my case 30% mixing gives
me what I want but you may need to experiment with other mixing percentages.
The result is that the inner motor slows down and the outer motor speeds up by the percentage that you
have set on the rudder mixing function. If you have set the percentage to 30% then the amount they speed
up or slow down will be half as much than if you had set the percentage to 60%.
With no throttle, when the rudder is operated one motor will go forwards and the other in reverse according to
the direction you move the rudder.
Another major advantage is that the mixing function can be turned off at any time by Switch A.
Hope this may be of some use.