Hi I am not sure what the purpose of trying to run a 3channel rec. from a 2channel transmitteris. The transmitter is only able to send 2 streams of data on its 27MHz carrier, on AM it does this by modifying it amplitude (size) of the carrier. Therefore the receiver will demodulate (separate) the data and send it to the first 2 channels out, but will have NO data to send to the 3rd output. So without modifying the transmitter to include a 3rd channel (not impossible but not for novices) a 3 channel receiver is a wast of resources. As for using a 40MHz band receiver re crystaled for 27MHz it may receive 2channels if transmitter and receiver are a few inches apart, ie on the bench, but without serious realignment of the receiver (more than just retuning) maximum range between transmitter and receiver would be minimal.
Sorry if I have used some technical words, but I find it difficult to explane a complex system in laymans terms, hope this has helped, rather than some sarcastic put down. The answer basically to your questions is no