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Author Topic: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?  (Read 15877 times)


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2007, 04:56:04 pm »

DX7 arrived today - first impressions looks great but instructions (as expected) totally aircraft orientated , has anyone set one of these up to run a twin screw ? advice greatly appreciated !

                        cheers rats

I've set up a mix to run both motors in my pusher from one stick on my DX6. If that's not what you want to do you'll have to be more specific.



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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2007, 05:00:55 pm »

 Hi Faraday's Cage and Scottie
          what I need to be able to do is use the left stick as port throttle and rudder , right stick as stbd throttle as a normal TX for boats is set up : then also
      to be able to mix rudder and throttle such that for example putting rudder hard to port would port port throttle astern and stbd ahead
      also I believe there is a way of putting both throttles on say stbd stick at the flick of a switch ?
     I dont have a bow thruster on model im working on at moment but will have on next , so would be interested in how you mixed rudder and thruster
                                     cheers rats


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2007, 05:23:26 pm »

Hi Rats,

To get both throttles working one one stick is simple, you can use either left or right stick and activate the mix at the press of a button. I use the 'Aileron D/R' button to activate the mix. To set this up you need to enter function mode and follow the manual's instructions to get to the progammabel mix function. Then set chan 3 as master and chan 1 as slave. Set the switch selection to whichever switch you want to use to operate the mix. Set the mixing value to 100% and leave the offset at 0%. That's it, you're done.

I did the more complex mix of two throttles and rudder on one stick on another set but there were some drawbacks which I didn't like. To start with you'll need to take one esc off the throttle channel and put it on the aileron channel. Then turn on the pre-programmed 'Elevon' mixing. This is where the drawback occurs. full travel for either servo can only be acheived with the stick in certain positions. i.e. you won't get both motors to run at full speed with the stick fully forward or fully back. Try the mix first and see how it works with two servos. If you're happy with this then all you need to do is add a programmable mix between the aileron channel and the rudder channel.

If you're worried about possible damage try it out with servos on ALL channels first. If you need any more help... well I'm still here.



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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2007, 06:22:34 pm »

 Thanks Scottie wiil have do as you suggest and have a play with it for a few days and let you know how I get on !

           cheers rats

Glyn Cleaver

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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2007, 04:45:27 pm »

Where can I buy the DX7 in the UK with a UK warranty and how much will it cost Please?
I want one yesterday  :P
Cheers Glyn


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2007, 05:57:02 pm »

          Sussex model centre at £242.99 - note that it comes without TX/RX charger or RX batteries, also TX charger needs to be JR type ie. centre negative
         the charger that SMC recommend only charges at 60ma - battery pack 1500ma - charge time 30 hours !!
        I just changed the leads round on my Robbe Lader 6 - no problem


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2007, 12:02:44 am »

hi guys, iv been readin thro this and havin a good old think, DX-6 or navy f-14  ??? im guessin the f-14 will be easyer to use and all that but is the DX-6 really as good?

also im going to be runnin it with my tito neri which im havin probs with the steerin with 3003 servos not powerful anoth lol so will the DX-6 handle more powerful servos?

sorry about the noob questions, when it comes to digi controlers im lost lol im from portsmouth/southsea n use the conoe lake as its 5 mins from mine :) lucky a lol, as most of you know in the summer its a pain going there with everyone n askin what channels their all useing so DX-6 would be good in that sence :) but hmmm  ??? ::)

cheers, dan


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #57 on: May 19, 2007, 05:53:52 pm »

hi guys, iv been readin thro this and havin a good old think, DX-6 or navy f-14  ??? im guessin the f-14 will be easyer to use and all that but is the DX-6 really as good?

also im going to be runnin it with my tito neri which im havin probs with the steerin with 3003 servos not powerful anoth lol so will the DX-6 handle more powerful servos?

sorry about the noob questions, when it comes to digi controlers im lost lol im from portsmouth/southsea n use the conoe lake as its 5 mins from mine :) lucky a lol, as most of you know in the summer its a pain going there with everyone n askin what channels their all useing so DX-6 would be good in that sence :) but hmmm  ??? ::)

cheers, dan

I see you have a Tito Neri, I also have this vessel and I use a Futaba FX18 transmitter which is expandable to the um teenth if you have the dosh, the servo problem I suffered with the 3003's fitted but Westbourn Models sorted out some strong ones (sorry forgot the type) but no more jam overs on my build.
I have mixed the throttles, the ASD units so I can operate on one stick or two depending on switch position and have module in tug to change over from bow to stern winch and anchor to bilge pump.
The problem now is money :'( :'( :'(
 If I went for a digi system I'm not sure if the system can be increased like the F14 and the FX18



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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #58 on: July 03, 2007, 04:58:05 pm »

Does anyone have any experience with the Futaba 2.4Ghz equipment?
Chasing perfection but not running fast enough!


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #59 on: July 03, 2007, 05:40:32 pm »

i Have To Say I Use My Modified JR/DX6 For Flying But It's A Great All Rounder Even in My Boat Club 3 Members Now Have One And Some Others Plan On Getting Them Aswell


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Re: Has anyone got a 2.4Ghz radio set?
« Reply #60 on: July 05, 2007, 09:02:05 am »

The 'biggy' with 'Spektrum' radios is that they don't require crystals, and that they do their own looking around for a free channel.  After that, their capabilities are very similar to many other 6 - 7 channel air radios (gee, wonder why?;)).  The ability to use 2.4 Ghz for any type model, air/surface, is also nice.  The only type model that it doesn't handle well are submarines.  The higher frequencies just do not penetrate water as well as the lower frequencies do.
There is a compatibility problem between the DX-6 and DX-7 systems.  It has to do with the different signal encoding methods of the two systems.  They are compatible in one direction, but not in both directions.  That may change in the future, but I doubt it.  (Also don't remember which 'direction' is the compatible one, probably the DX-6 can not handle the DX-7 receiver.  Do NOT take that as fact!)
Also, please understand that I do have a 'Spektum' radio, and I do like it!  They are not 'cure-alls' by any means, but they certainly 'cure' a couple of problem areas for me.
 - 'Doc
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