Hi guys,
Just looking for confirmation of a servo wiring issue.
I've picked up a couple of el cheapo servos that I intend to use to power the 6lb gun turrets on my 1/24 Fairmile D. I've gone down the path of adding in the 2.2k resistors to get almost 180 degree travel - no problem. However I intend to power them both from the same Tx stick using a Y lead from the Rx. Clearly, wired as the come they will both turn the same way when instructed, i.e., clockwise or anticlockwise so one will train to port and one to starboard.
I want them to point either port or starboard together at the extent of their travel.
Am I right in assuming that if I simply switch the wires from the servo PCB to the servo motor on one of them, it's travel will be reversed thus giving me the desired outcome.
Can I simply switch the +ve and -ve wires from the Rx to the servo. Or does that stuff up the whole servo operation.
Of course I could just go ahead and experiment but I'd appreciate good input from forum members - might save me a servo..........