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Author Topic: Sunk without a trace....  (Read 17950 times)

Colin Bishop

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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2007, 09:59:37 pm »

That's really sad. :'(


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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2007, 10:21:49 pm »

Thanks a lot Martin seeing thta really cheered me up  :'( :'( :'( ;) :)

Ghost in the shell

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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2007, 10:31:14 pm »

llanberis lake, as in the one by dinorwic?
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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2007, 07:39:52 am »

A nice man  made reef for fish to thrive and divers to explore.  ;)



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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2007, 08:38:06 am »

I am afraid that Stavros boat in my mind is unrecoverable. The echo sounder idea is a no no, I have to look for wrecks occasionally on a professional basis and believe me it is not easy, even with side scan sonar and very sensitive echo sounders, the only advantage you have in a lake like this is the fact that there is not a lot of current.
A lot of wrecks are found simply by sighting the surface for oil or fuel, this is probably how most recent wrecks are found, the echo sounder and sonar will pick up trailsl of oil from the depths. But electric powered model, not a lot of hope i'm afraid especially at that depth, 160 feet isn't far on the surface, but its a long way down!!
Navigational Aids vessel Master. Old Conway 70-72


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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2007, 01:12:09 am »

That's a touch 'blunt' under the circs.! I wouldn't have liked it... wd. you? Granted gd. pics., but... whwoo... Not after seeing £100's vanishing out of sight... let alone all that hard work........


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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #56 on: January 05, 2007, 10:08:54 pm »

Ghost in the shell in answer to your question YES

Ghost in the shell

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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #57 on: January 05, 2007, 11:31:36 pm »

that will mean the model will have gone through trmendous currents on its way down, and i am not sure how deep lake dinorwic is, also as its the lower lake to the pump storage system, i wander if the model has or could be sucked up into the turbines when the lake is pumped to the top of the mountain to replenish the header lake (which during generating times emptied totally)

polaris, sad as it may seem and i do not wish to offend anyone, i think that in this case, andy wright is probably correct, 160ft is deep and borderline for scuba, tied in with the currents generated by the pump- storage system of the power station, it may be in a dangerous diving area.

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Colin Bishop

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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #58 on: January 06, 2007, 09:14:27 am »

I wonder if the model has or could be sucked up into the turbines when the lake is pumped to the top of the mountain to replenish the header lake

So it's really true then, some boats when lost do go to that great pond in the sky...

Probably not much consolation though Stavros, I'd be pretty fed up if it happened to me.


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Re: Sunk without a trace....
« Reply #59 on: January 06, 2007, 11:56:07 am »

that will mean the model will have gone through trmendous currents on its way down, and i am not sure how deep lake dinorwic is, also as its the lower lake to the pump storage system, i wander if the model has or could be sucked up into the turbines when the lake is pumped to the top of the mountain to replenish the header lake (which during generating times emptied totally)

polaris, sad as it may seem and i do not wish to offend anyone, i think that in this case, andy wright is probably correct, 160ft is deep and borderline for scuba, tied in with the currents generated by the pump- storage system of the power station, it may be in a dangerous diving area.

I'm afraid you are getting a little mixed up here  :)  There are two lakes at Llanberis (not Dinorwig - that is a small village up the mountainside which has given its name to the Hydroelectric pumped storage scheme) - the lakes are Lyn Peris and Lyn Padarn.

The lower lake for the Dinorwig pumped storage scheme  is Lyn Peris - this is further up the valley than Lyn Padarn where we sail though the two are only separated by a huge sluice gate. Any overflow from Lyn Peris flows into Lyn Padarn but this is not strong.  The overflow actually feeds into a wide stream entering Lyn Padarn and we often cruise in company up this stream as a change from just sailing around the lake. ( Its good exercise too  :D - taking the boats for a walk !) There is a a small flow throughout  Lyn Padarn as it exits into the River Seiont but it is not significant. 

But you are right about the diving. There is actually a diving school located at the upper end of the lake. They have helped on occasions when a boat has sunk in the shallower waters near their headquarters,  but they will not normally consider going into the deeper parts of the lake, the floor of the lake is known to be thick silt and objects (like model boats) have been reported in the past as almost impossible to find in the darkness.

Don B.
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