I would like to use LabVIEW software to create a control panel for my model. I know I can buy interface circuits which will connect to a PC by USB or RS232 ports. These operate at frequencies (2.4GHz same as wi-fi, 433MHz region) which are different from the listed regulated model control bands. As these are allowed for remote control of robots, does anyone know if they would be allowed to control a model boat (call it a robot)? I cannot find a PC/PDA-compatible interface at a regulated frequency (the nearest band seems to be the 458.5-459.5 band).
Can anyone confirm that if the "robotics" frequencies cannot be used to control, they can be used to take data from the boat (video, sensors)?
Does anyone have any experience of using LabVIEW for controlling or taking data from a boat? If they do, where did they get the parts?