Phil you forgot to mention Andy's Christening of my experimental steam jet boat!
For those that didn't see the action(?) the jet boat was on its maiden voyage performing according to theory (I'll open a new thread for that aspect) when it stopped in the middle of the pond. Andy, as promised, leaped into the water to retrieve the boat, being warned not to burn himself.
Well, on reaching the boat he had a religeous experience (he saw the light!) and then, knowing that it was the maiden voyage, decided to "baptise" the nameless craft.
Phil and I had a jaw-dropping moment as Andy pushed the stern under water and, as Phil and I raised our arms fanatically to heaven, the boat was "baptised" even further until only the bow was projecting above the "holy" water.
On enquiring as to his sacred action it was apparent Andy was in his fire fighter and NOT priestly mode after all, and, on seeing the flame issueing from the gas burner, decided to extinguish the flames of hell.
Andy, in the best Christian tradition, you are forgiven - its very funny in hindsight.
After checking the electrics (it was a blown electric water pump fuse), I put the boat back on the water. The sight and sound of the steam jet engine certainly attracted a lot of attention, but was not possible to perform at all well, since all the glass cotton boiler insulation was sodden and heavy.
Anyway the experimental craft has given me a valuable understanding as to why any sort of pure gas jet propelled boat (including gas turbine) will never perform well - as will be explained in the Steam R&D section of the forum - it is as important to know why things don't work as to why they do.
Thankyou Martin for awarding me the Mayham "Awarded for Excellence" Plaque. Yes, the boat with no computer, no engine, no propellor and no rudder also had no bow wave!