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Author Topic: Impromptu Sub day  (Read 8733 times)


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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2010, 12:02:14 pm »

I am sorry that Geoff, our previous Chairman, feels he needs to resign.  He has done a lot for the NMBC in the past.  However, time moves on, and having been in my position, he should know how things operate and what the rules are.  I would like to pass on the following information to all concerned.
When the club agreed that individuals could organize various activities, this was with reference to outside shows and events, which the club felt they would not officially support.  All the events at Eaton Park are decided in consultation with the various section heads at the beginning of each year and a regatta list drawn up.  This is pretty full and there is little scope for an impromptu event.
As Paul mentioned in his thread, there is IC racing going on in the pond on Sunday, and being a submariner myself, I wholeheartedly agree with his concerns.
As for arranging for parking by the pond side, that can only be done by the club and not by individuals.  A Risk Assessment form has to be completed and submitted to the Council, as per my previous thread.
I am very sorry if there has been any confusion caused by all these threads, but I would feel personally responsible as Chairman, if I didn't highlight some of the difficulties. I would be upset if modellers travelled a considerable distance and had a less than happy experience with us.  All modellers are more than welcome at Norwich any Sunday, and would receive our usual hospitality, but please refer to the regatta list on our website. You can see the precise location of the club from the Google maps.    Reinhard

admiral donuts

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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2010, 06:26:18 pm »

Hi Guys......Donuts here.  Just a quick reply with regards to Reinhard's comments.  The February 2010 newsletter carries a report from the Vice Chairman under the title of Events organisation and is as follows:-

"Event Organisation. To clarify the club’s position on events as discussed at the AGM. Should any member wish to organise the club’s participation in a show, they can speak to the committee, who will ensure they have the full support of the club & it’s facilities. The committee however, will not be organising these events".

As you may no doubt see this extract is slightly ambiguous and open to interpretation, the moral of the story is, say what you mean and mean what you say.  As previously mentioned I had spoken to the new Chairman 'twice' about this event on consecutive Sundays and no concerns were raised by him about my plans.

On checking the 2010 Regatta list I find that Mono 2 class,  April 4th, is a fast electric meeting starting at 10.00 with two seven minute heats to be completed before 12.00noon.  Perhaps the Vice Chairman would like to check more closely in future before issuing incorrect statements or as with car parking, have things changed but no-one has been informed.

Yes rules are rules, I should know, I drew up most of them including the precedent for car parking, Under this agreement, one weeks notice was required and need only be by telephone to the council.  Extra terms and conditions were not communicated to me from the Committee.

Lastly and in closing my decision not to attend the Norwich Model Boat Club at all means on Sunday 4th April and does not imply resignation from the club.  This decision would be taken by me and informed to the Chairman 'personally' should the need arise.

It is a shame that we have had to carry out this discussion via a web site forum instead of by personal contact and this will be my last posting on this subject.



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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2010, 11:37:35 pm »

Any photos from your meeting just a bit hard to pop over from Tasmania tassie48.


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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2010, 08:23:12 am »


If you've been following this thread, you'll no doubt guess the "meeting" never was, there were however a few guys turn up for a sail yesterday - apologies to Bill & Ron who made a special effort to come over from afar - If you have a look on our website, the links in my signature at the bottom of the page there are several ( To many according to some of our members!) pic's of past Sub events on there.

For anybody interested in Submarines & Warships, we are holding our first Naval of 3 Regattas in 6 weeks time & can confirm that there will be the usual facilities - Ample parking within 30 feet of the pond side etc, entrance is free of course, but non members will just need to be signed in to use the club house for tea, toilet, charging etc.

Any questions, contact me or Reinhard on here or by pm.


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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2010, 09:41:41 am »

Just read this thread and had a good laugh! i always thought that building, sailing and apprecitating model boats of all types was FUN and enjoyable. I didn't realise there was so much politics within a club.

Any of you guys running in the next election?

Bill if you see this I will try to send you some pics of the Ohio afetr its refit!

The long Build

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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2010, 10:39:08 am »

Just out of curiosity does the club have sole usage over the pond or is it actually a public facility, and regardless of what event the club may have organised could not any member of the public can actually use the pond ?

admiral donuts

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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2010, 10:48:38 am »

Hi Guys...Donuts here.  I know I said I wouldn't post any more but I just had to reply to Reefrich.

I absolutely agree that the hobby is all about having Fun and making it a sociable activity.  All I tried to do was organise an event using the clubs published guidelines.  The boating pond is a public facilty and anyone can simply turn up and sail, the club just tries to organise pondside activities.
Visiting modellers and members of the public are always welcome.

Politics will kill off any club, gives off bad publicity, puts off visiting modellers and stifles the volunteer spirit.  How much better it would have been to sort this out privately rather than publically.

OK, now that this is all behind us I propose to play with my toys !!     However, should you wish me to stand for Parliament as an Independent Mayhem member, I would be interested to read your comments.  My manifesto would be based on more time at the pond, less time at the office.  How does that grab you.

The long Build

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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2010, 10:56:56 am »

probably get few more votes than some of the available parties. :}


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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2010, 12:45:34 pm »

probably get few more votes than some of the available parties. :}

Depends on the agenda.


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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2010, 05:57:11 pm »

 Many thanks for your hospitality. I had a great time sailing in the clear waters. As can be seen in the photos the lookout remained on deck even when submerged to detect the dreaded green weed!!!. Bill


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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2010, 04:03:23 pm »

Hi Bill

Glad you enjoyed your visit. It was very nice meeting you. Great photos.

Hope to see you again at the sub/warship meeting on the 16th May or at any time you are in the area.




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Re: Impromptu Sub day
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2010, 11:20:43 pm »

Its very sad when politics rears its ugly head in, what is after all, just a hobby but I have seen it all before I am afraid.
 Bourneville MBC, of which I was a member for almost 30 years, lost its long standing President and was taken over by less pragmatic
people who seemed to be obsessed with risk assesments, health and safety issues and third party insurance (for people who hadn't got boats)
not to mention reading the rule book at every opportunity. The result was predictable (and had been prophisied)the membership of the
scale boat side of the club fell from over 200 to less than 20 in two years. Who is the loser?
The impromptu meets we used to have at Bourneville in the past attracted many and in the days before the internet made these things easy.
They are no more and it is rare to see a scale model boat at Bourneville these days, just the wind and a prayer boys.
Ignore my comments if you wish and argue all you like, but upsetting your membership is not the way to promote the hobby.
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