just a quick one
anyone know of a re sizer that will on a Linux web book one that works like the one on the forum any help gratefull
I guess he will have found a Linux solution by now.
But as I cannot imagine that the two of us are the only Linux users here and because
ministeve has never received an answer I thought I should mention
As for an OpenSource OS like Linux there are most likely countless other image manipulation and resizing programs around there.
However, I found ImageMagick to be extremely useful, versatile and to be of the "proper" Unix manner of handling even complex tasks at the command line.
IM is fully scriptable and has APIs for all sorts of programming and scripting languages, though this is hardly ever needed.
It comes with an executable called
convert which lets you in a simple shell loop convert and resize a whole hard disk with GBs full of images by a few keystrokes.
It should be part of the standard software package repositories of most Linux distros.
So on a RedHattish distro like RHEL, CentOS, ScientificLinux, Fedora (the ones that I use) you would simply install it as root along with all possible prerequisites like
# yum -y install ImageMagick
shouldn't it be installed already.
I guess on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and the likes you would install it like
$ sudo apt-get install ImageMagick
assumed the packages is named like that thereon. But the mentioned website above should tell how it is installed on different distros.