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Author Topic: I'm building a 1/144 George Washington Sub  (Read 3606 times)


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I'm building a 1/144 George Washington Sub
« on: January 06, 2007, 06:24:04 am »

I started off trying to make it a reverse RCABS and found lots of snags with the small sizes and now I’ve gone back to the plan a bit (as I usually end up doing) and I made her regular RCABS with a slight change in layout. The battery is in the middle tube with the receiver and the pump, clipard valve, T joint and servos are up front where there’s lots of room for them due to no battery there. The back tube just has the motor, gearbox, on/off switch (big, cheap toggle job) with remote rod going through a Subtech seal and the ESC which is a large Mtronics one. Waterproof!
    I flooded her on her first pond test by letting the o-ring tube cap joins get apart somehow. I love waterproof ESCs! I’ve drilled holes in my servo bottom covers which I learnt from the combat warships guys, to let water out fast when it gets there and make it easy to spray lube though the holes.(RP7 etc)
The aft tube is sealed off from the rest and I tested the capacity for air and found it a tiny bit small, so I carved out some sections of the caps with the Dremel router bit until it’s just enough to fully inflate the bladder and no more, with all the gear in place. Everyone’ll probably bag me out for having my control rods out the front, but it works as the rods go down the RH side through holes in the frames and they’re not that long anyway. (I have longer ones in my U-boat) The servos I fitted seem to work well at moving these rods and I’m hoping they’ll be a success as they leave the aft end of the WTC with nothing but the dog bone drive and a rod with a collette on it for the power switch. It should be an easy job to fit the wtc at the pondside and all it’ll take to get the battery out is lift the back away from the dogbone and pull the middle tube away from the front one to slide the Lipoly out. (I hope) The battery fits like a glove!J The WTC’ll be held down by elastic straps so you won’t need to undo anything there, just pull. I know-“easy for me being single etc, etc…..”J
I say it every time I do a build, but this one is the most fun yet! They’re all different if you experiment a bit and not just follow instructions. Fraid I rarely use instructions. I’m a bloke after all! Aren’t we banned from using them. That what girls tell me anyhow.J
I won’t bore you any longer here. More to come.
Here’s a link to a video slideshow clip of it testing.


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    • magpieyachts
Re: I'm building a 1/144 George Washington Sub
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 11:26:18 am »

Due to I'll health_RA_I haven't done much since the last posting, but I hope to be able to soon. I'm like a soft robot at the moment and I need oiling!!!
Jason :(
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Re: I'm building a 1/144 George Washington Sub
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2007, 05:52:24 am »

Some progress finally on the G Dub Sub.
My hands aren’t good, but I’m managing to get some work done with a few (lots) of re-dos and pick-ups of dropped gear. I cleaned up the garage and reorganised my benches to give me some more clear space to work, so it’s a bit better for that now.
I know the linkages on the GW will all fit inside, but as I’m so fumbly and sore at the moment, I decided to cheat and go outside for the dive planes. I fitted the prop shaft with a slight downward angle to the WTC drive, which is ideal for allowing a straight through shaft between the planes. It works well like that. The WTC can easily be removed with 1 screw in the top deck removed and 2 collar screws on the 2 control rods which push on up to the extra collar as an indicator so there’s no guessing and adjustment. The rear small cone cover with the upper rudder can also be removed with 1 screw. There’s a lot of work to go yet, but she’s starting to take shape. The deck is obviously just sitting on for a look. I think this sub will be fast as the drive unit from GWS is a bit bigger than the norm and she really winds up the prop to a scream even with the gearbox. I hope it flies!!!! I’ve got enough slow subs for those days. J

"Where's the sub gone?"


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Re: I'm building a 1/144 George Washington Sub
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2007, 06:10:37 pm »

nice choice of scale magpie! any pics of her in the water yet? how long is the model? have u checked out my 1/144 type 45 in the model boats section?


  • Full Mayhemer
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Re: I'm building a 1/144 George Washington Sub
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2007, 10:28:50 pm »

nice choice of scale magpie! any pics of her in the water yet? how long is the model? have u checked out my 1/144 type 45 in the model boats section?
Hi and thanks for the reply.
The GW is just under 2 feet long and not yet seaworthy. In that photo the missile deck is just sitting there. I'll have a look at your boat now.

Just had a look. She's coming along well! A large mode with a big future no doubt!!!
Well done.
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