thanks bud im getting pretty
Implied swearing removed off with the fuss about a stupid 1" flat. seams like a lot of people want to be right and argue it till there blue in the face.. wasting time and actully making my post look like it a load of
and again as said.. i have a plan to follow if its wrong its not my fault, but i dont really care what everyone thinks its my build and its the enjoyment of building that amkes this a hobbie. i find it hard to think that there are other boaters out there that half "xxxxx" there models or build it the way they think rather then the plan somtimes totaly ignoring it.. thats freedom to build what you want how you want. i havent built this springer to go to competitions or what not i am building it simple to encorace some bonding with my 5 year old daughter, in time once my son hits 5 and starts an intrest i will build him a boat too. the thing i think most have forgotton is that its a hobbie to build things right way or wrong way but if you get the enjoyment during the build and recive the rewards at the end, in my case getting my children into a hobbie apart from watching tv then its all worth it right??
Anyhow forget the rubbish heres part of the update... i would have posted about hour earlier.. but i managed to shatter a glass and stand on it belive me when i tell you my kitchen floor turned from tan brick to bright red pretty quick !
Started on the superstructer
i was originaly going to base the tug on a working boat i see regually named the SD Hercules but, i figured that an old style working barge might be better.. and given that my daughter will most likly crash it it will add to the overall appearance.
so the wheel house is based off the clyde puffer. its till work in progress but i will update later tonight or tomorrow with the finished wheel house

Prophet, don't get wound up by those who have nothing better to do than try to put you down. Make your model how you want and don't forget there is no right or wrong only to those who would rather argue than build. I'd simply ignore the issue and continue your very interesting and informative build thread.