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Author Topic: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre  (Read 3660 times)


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Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« on: August 24, 2010, 02:53:30 pm »

Is there a way to upgrade a Hitec laser 6 from a ratchet throttle to sprung centre return if you know what I mean?
One By One The Penguins Steal My Sanity
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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 05:36:50 pm »

Yep - I did it only yesterday to my Laser 4 but, you will need a small lever and spring.  :-))

Don't suppose you have another old radio to rob the bits from

Martin du


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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 06:38:48 pm »

Actually as you have had it apart, would it be easier to turn the mechanism thru 90 degrees so the rachet is on the L/R movement?

To be honest its to run my RC truck (and also the Deans DKMW that Im getting for christmas which Im planning on running with a 3 speed transmission and all 4 rear wheels driving but thats another thread ) and the left hand stick L/R is for the 3 speed transmission so the rachet would actually be better as the centre point is 2nd gear and left and right are 1st and 3rd
One By One The Penguins Steal My Sanity
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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 07:45:48 pm »

Actually as you have had it apart, would it be easier to turn the mechanism thru 90 degrees so the ratchet is on the L/R movement?

You cannot turn the mechanism around by 90 degrees  with the Hitecs but, moving the ratchet to work L/R is feasible.

Remove the back cover, check out the movement in question and you should be able to see a small black pivoting arm with a spring attached to a post and the arm.
Basically, you need to remove this arm and its spring and place it in the vertical position - look at the other mechanism and you will be able to see what I'm getting at. To remove arm, remove 2 screws either side of trim tab and gently pull the side off - the arm and spring should come out easily. Replace the side and 2 screws then undue the screws at the 90 degree position and install (the removal process in reverse).

I hope I haven't confused you too much. Remove the rear cover off the TX, looking at gimbals operate the sticks and it will become evident how it all works - the worst that can happen is you have ratchet on both plains - L/R and Up/ Dn

Martin du


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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2010, 09:37:48 pm »

OK popped the back off mine and had a look, its slightly different, the springs etc were all there in place.  All I needed to do was remove a screw and a little block that secured the spring mechanism.  For now Ive left the ratchen in position as well as it has given the throttle control a nice feel and when the throttle is released it returns to centre a little more slowly rather than "snapping".
Ill need to field test it to be sure but first impressions are promising.
As for removing the spring return on the other axis, Ive decided to leave it be for now as it looks a sod to put back on again, if I change my mind, Instead Im going to make a shift gate.
One By One The Penguins Steal My Sanity
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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 11:32:53 pm »

Good to see you have had some success. If you find that the modification needs to be installed at a later stage, let me know and I will take some pics of each stage - a picture is worth a thousand words.

It's not as difficult as it sounds - I modify Tx's from Mode 1 to Mode 2 setup.

Martin du ;)


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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 06:15:28 am »

No problem, thanks for the help.... First time ive ever opened a TX  :}
One By One The Penguins Steal My Sanity
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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2010, 10:52:26 pm »

I would like to do the opposite.  Make my left stick ratchet on both planes/axes.  I haven't tried yet.  I can understand how removing the centering springs keeps the stick from springing back but don't want it wandering when I take my thumb off.  I'll be using to control two sail winches at once.



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Re: Hitec laser 6 ratchet to sprung centre
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2010, 02:37:07 pm »

i know this is not the same manufacture but the planet t5 radio now has a pair of discs with the appropriate slots cut out to giude the sticks in one axis or the other , they cost around fiver pounds !
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