Hi Edward,
I recently bought a PLanet T5 2.4 radio and was assured by the model shop that this would be O.K. as a radio for a model boat
As I have been involved with steam boats and engines most of my modeling career I decided that I would build a Touchwood D.Campbell K7 at 1/12 scale for some diversion and this was the radio for me.
On opening the box I was dubious about the receiver as it is encased in what could only be described as thin plasti-card with an arial of 1" long.
The K7 is powered by a brushless motor and Sub "C" 7 cell x 3700 amph battery.
I am pleased to say that there has never been any problem with the radio/receiver, the receiver is about 2.5" above the water line when it's flying at 35 mph and is under control at the far end of our pond which is about 500ft, so I would say don't be worried about it.
This was a cheapy radio at £40 and you can get an even cheaper one fro GIANTCOD.
This radio set up was installed in my Flash Steamer and again no problem ( see my club web
www.glasgowrichmondmbc.co.uk ) for pics of the steamer in action at 40 mph..
Hope this helps.
George. )