For my younger days.
I rode bikes. Grew long hair. Was the eternal student. Only really had odd jobs, no career as such. And was happily single.
Until I got married. Then I was equally irresponsible as I had been before. Still living in rented accom, still smoking weed, but now had a wife and 2 dogs in tow. But living in the countryside it didn't matter. Then got divorced.
Got to 40 and hit mid life crisis. Found it almost impossible to get a date. Thought to myself, golly gosh I have been peeing my life away down the pub, no carreer, no house of my own, etc, etc.
Went out, got a job, suit, haircut, company car, mortgage, and sold the bike, re-married, stopped smoking weed. Not necessarily in that order.
Perhaps midlife crisis = need for a change after 20 years.
So when I hit 60 I will probably start chasing middle aged women, grow my hair and smoke weed again.