This all seems to be far too good to be true to be honest, im a bit old school, you get what you pay for etc.
A few more questions about the 2.4 stuff
How do you go about losing control in waves etc.
What i mean is, say im on the beach, boat is say 3 to 400yards out waves around 1 foot giving a 2 ft swell
will i then lose control using 2.4ghz.
I dont lose it on 27am at the moment, ive heard rumours about it not being much good for water stuff.
I know subs are no good with it but im hoping to never have my boat going down.
Is this purely line of sight type radio ? like ship to shore vhf radio ?
It just all seems far too good to be any good for the price.
I realy dont fancy using cheap nasty finnished plastic tx that looks like its from the poundshop.
I know that many people are using the stuff, but are they using 5 foot long powerboats doing 50mph plus ?
if i buy a module and rx from say giant cod, am i getting the same performance as a futaba module or is there a real big difference.
i might seam to be comming across a bit harsh, but i realy dont want any high speed mishaps.
sorry to those who i might of offended in this topic (unless your a flier, i hate fliers, they have far too much enjoyment from their hobby)