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Author Topic: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?  (Read 1458277 times)


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1200 on: August 06, 2009, 12:24:16 am »

Hi Guys.

In NZ we are upto 67 this week. This forum has been great for tips. Martin, any idea when your build will begin again? Great fun these partworks. Well most of them. Flying Scotsman not going so well but im not gonna Hijack the thread lol. <*<


Martin (Admin)

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1201 on: August 06, 2009, 08:11:03 am »

Don't tell me there's planking on the Flying Scotsman too!!!
"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1202 on: August 07, 2009, 07:16:09 am »

Haha no worse luck. Parts are not fitting together well and are inferior to what was advertised!


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1203 on: August 07, 2009, 09:02:15 am »

heard the Flying Scotsman was indeed pretty bad, glad I didn't buy into it, mind you I wanted to, but I thought the Bismarck would do as far as 'built its wére concerned!!...Dave.

P/S Martin, you would find planking on the Flying Scotsman,most steam locos had a wooden cab floor!


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1204 on: August 10, 2009, 04:19:52 am »

Hi Martin.......I am sure it must be an optical illusion....... :embarrassed: ...but the bilge keel in pict6282 appears near straight or reversed........ %%....Derek

Just checked the same build by Kevin in Holland ...& the same illusion is depicted :(( >>:-(  <*<...and yes..... only on the same port side
Derek Warner

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Illawarra Live Steamers Co-op


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1205 on: August 10, 2009, 02:59:21 pm »

It's just the angle you're seeing it from, look at the one on the opposite side.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1206 on: August 10, 2009, 04:00:11 pm »

Dear all just signed up having read your comments have been building the Delprado Victory for near on 8Years just starting the rigging and now am upto part 50 on Hatchettes Build the Bismark. Am meeting several trumours along the way!!! Have been building the Bismark now for about 6 months.

Martin (Admin)

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1207 on: August 10, 2009, 04:28:27 pm »

I've been NOT building mine for at Least 6 months!  <:(

The builge does look wrong from elever angle... except one.... from the bow.... along the water flow line!

I'll take a couple more photos of the bilge keel tonight.
"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1208 on: August 11, 2009, 12:17:31 am »

Tacked on the printed deck with tacks between the évergreen'angle at the edge (about 1.5 mm) of the hull. The handrail stancheons will be fitted to this...Dave


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1209 on: August 11, 2009, 12:28:11 am »

To get the decks to fit between the angles I had to sand off the extreme plank of eack deck part, but not beyond the 'keyed' planks. The bow shape proved to be wrong so I removed the
'pointy bit' deck piece and sanded the bow down a wee bit, made a new deck piece and even after that I had to make a small alteration of the printed deck piece so that it was a perfect fit to the 'new' bow shape.., the first photo shows the 'cut' , the second (although duplicted) shows the end result... Dave


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1210 on: August 11, 2009, 11:41:11 am »

How did those of you who used the 2nd plastic stern part overcome the difference in size that is the depth from front to back. I added a 7-8mm piece of wood so the deck part lined up with the back. Sanding the plastic bit would have obliterated the anchor hole. Just hope the deck parts will now fit!!!!!


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1211 on: August 11, 2009, 03:00:35 pm »

Hello Remondo,first up, thanks for the mail! It seems a long time now since I did the stern part, what I did was,(I think!!) the rearmost top part was cut into quarters so I could 'jiggle it' to fit the width and length of the revised stern once it was fixed. It was sort of repaired with bits off the frets, but I wasn't out to make a perfect repair as this was going to be covered at a later time with the printed deck part anyway.
If you look at the 'real' Bismarck you'll see that even the new resin part still has the anchor wrong, it is much closer to the deck and the bottom of it is nearly touching the last of top portholes. To fix that, the 'spacer' that you are supposed to fit under the rearmost deck part, well, I personally disguarded that. (even with such a drastic change the aft resin part still fitted the shape of the stern pretty good and I had very little filling to do on its bottom and sides to get the thing flush with the planking!!)
Having still retained the old stern part, I carefully cut out the whole anchor pocket (it resembled a miniature swimming pool!!) When the aft portholes were eventually all in their correct position, I marked out the position of the 'new' anchor pocket in relation to that top last porthole and it's position to the deck, as per the photo I had of the 'real McCoy' When I was satisfied that I had it right, I drilled and shaped out the new hole for the 'swimming pool' Once that was  superglued in position, it was filled with 'Tamiya' putty, sanded when dry and "walla!" , a new repositioned anchor pocket, just a bit better positioned than the Amati one, well I thought so!! If you look at the last lot of photo's I submitted , in the stern shot, you can see how much the anchor was moved by the white mark to the right of it!!
To sum up, it was a while ago and unfortunately I didn't take any photo's, it's not a job for the faint hearted to try!!, but in my mind it was well worth the effort, so why not?, it didn't cost me anything and it looks more correct!.....Dave.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1212 on: August 12, 2009, 01:36:34 am »

Hello again Remondo,(and all) well, I said it was a while, so I have to make amends and say I did 2 cuts of the stern piece and moved it forward, here's some pictures that may explane things a wee bit better...I've also taken a photo of the stern of the 'real' Bismarck and one with my modification. Much easier than words to explane!!...Dave


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1213 on: August 12, 2009, 01:54:50 am »

Remondo, (and and) while I had camera in hand, I'll post some of the bow, minus it's printed decking. The top front piece is the remade part, that has been cut to fit and as you can see by the filling on the bow a lot of work has been done there as well...Dave


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1214 on: August 12, 2009, 04:01:37 am »

Hi all

This is a question for Berth44. Ive noticd on the deck of your Bismarck that there seems to be a raised lip running the entire way around the ship. Just wondering what its for? And also what issue it comes with. Cheers



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1215 on: August 12, 2009, 07:03:46 am »

Hello Hilux5972, the 'white line' that you see running round the ship is an idea of mine and does not come with any issue!! This is meant to represent the ángle' that's on the 'real' Bismarck at the decks edge onto which the handrail stancheons are fixed to.(The angle's back is to the edge)
 The material used is 'evergreen' angle, it's 1.5mm x 355mm long, 4 per packet, 2 packets did the job, one left over! (it'll come in handy)
For this to fit, each deck part is carefully sanded back to the 'keyed' planking, (or what is required per section for a good fit!) There is also approx 1.5 mm from the angle to the edge of the hull, this has a slope not unlike the Armour Belt...Dave


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1216 on: August 12, 2009, 12:12:09 pm »

Dave, thanks for the reply it looks as though I've done the rear end similar to yours. The pictures have really helped. Around the top edge of the bow I fitted the supplied solid ply bits with the portholes in and the little bits that had to be tapered. When glued on I have filled the gap in on the top edge, this leaves a sloping angle and not a horizontal edge will try and get some pictures on. Is this sloping edge going to be OK or will I need to make some minor or major adjustments before I start the spray job, this Will be a first!!!!! Spent another 3 hours on it last night seems to be coming on OK so far.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1217 on: August 13, 2009, 01:20:56 am »

Hey Remondo, sounds like you are making progress. I used the Ply as well.(on the stern as well) Looking at my model, most of the the top row of portholes are wrong and were filled in and moved.(as per the stern) The top edge of the bow is infact sloped, it shouldn't be curved, Just imagine a straight line between the corners of a 1.5 mm square, that in my mind would be perfect and not look too much out of scale, that's roughly what I tried to achieve, doesn't look that far out on the model, the total effect should be seen when the final paint job is applied....Dave.

P/S, if you need to fill in Portholes, use either toothpics, skewers, or stretched sprue, pushing them in point first until they are a tight fit then snipped to size. I always add a bit of superglue. When it is done this way, you can redrill the hole at any point without the 'filling' falling out on you, if you get my drift? I use filler to 'tidy up' if need be.....


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1218 on: August 13, 2009, 01:48:29 am »

Thanks for that Berth44. Im thinking of looking into something along those lines 2. Im assuming its available from hardware/diy stores? Cheers


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1219 on: August 19, 2009, 01:24:57 pm »

Anybody wanting some nice turned metal barrels for their Bismarck might like to try these guys in Poland:

I bought a set for mine, they are good quality and cheap.  They are intended for a 1/200 scale card model. I also bought a set for my 1/200 Nichimo Yamato and my 1/400 Heller Prinz Eugen and HMS Illustrious, again they are intended for card models but work just fine on plastic kits.



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1220 on: August 20, 2009, 12:20:40 am »

I thought that the magazine  came with turned metal barrels for the guns.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1221 on: August 20, 2009, 09:04:08 am »

The  main guns (and the secondaries) have the breach end and blast bags moulded in one piece of plastic and the muzzle end is a piece of aluminium tube that slots into this, turned metal ones look a lot better.



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1222 on: September 16, 2009, 11:57:57 am »

Just thought I ought to sign in. have been busy on deck bits and brass. Dave hows your Bismark coming on? I'm just about to brave doing my first spray job on the hull using aerosols should be fun!!! Also have now started the Lancaster Bomber. Not enough hours in the day. Anyone else invested in this?

Best Wishes Ray


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1223 on: September 17, 2009, 12:10:15 am »

Hello Raymondo, all stop on the Bismarck for the time being, getting over a stroke!!. Is the Lancaster bomber another part work??. Good luck with the spraying, remember just light passes and allow to dry before next coat, you'll get a better finish, you don't want to keep your finger on the button, if you do (it's called impatience)you are more than likely to get runs and most importantly, loss of fine detail, just be patient.....Dave


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #1224 on: September 17, 2009, 12:39:19 am »

The Lancaster is Hachette's latest offering.... looks pretty good too.

Before anybody asks... yes I am - I'm a sucker for these partworks....... if anybody is interested.


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