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Author Topic: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?  (Read 1352942 times)


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #125 on: June 06, 2007, 01:52:38 pm »

I agree, I wonder what the circulation figures are? and how many people are having problems? I read with interest the two web site buildthebismarck .com and It seems the problems are rife with disatisfaction with the call centre high on the list.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #126 on: June 06, 2007, 04:29:51 pm »

I reckon something like 10 thou initially start off such a series as i know for fact that partwork co's work in many thousands not hundreds, if only 4 thou see such a series thru to its end thats 2,800,000 for a boat & mag that might have cost them a combined price of around £100 each unlike the £700 they are asking, they must have some massive overheads, either that or someone is getting richer by the day!

As for complaints, well the net is full of em on partwork co's and I recall they even appear on watchdog, having said that people still continue to buy into them so there must be some very happy customers out there or do they constantly rely on new blood cos you can only skin a cat once!


Martin (Admin)

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #127 on: June 07, 2007, 12:36:36 pm »

Well my latest instalments have turned up today, 5, 6 and........ 8 !?!  >:(

"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #128 on: June 07, 2007, 12:55:24 pm »

Mine turned up too. 7,8,9,10 &11.

Reading some of the posts on some of the people there seem not to have built a kit before. Lots of strange posts in very bad english with weird ideas. I know we all have to start somewhere but alot of people don't seem to read the instructions before glueing things together. On there is a list of faults found in Germany which is months ahead of us, they are on something like part 38 odd. There is a rush to order the r/c bits from a couple of German suppliers. Jumping the gun??


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #129 on: June 07, 2007, 12:55:57 pm »

Thats absolute rubbish service, in my view subscribers should take priority as they are just that >:(

If it was me I would be giving Hachette hell, at this rate the so called 140 week series is gonna take you 150 weeks + to complete and no doubt there will more delays along the way as your only at issue 8 out of 140 and even then you have one missing >:(

You could well be looking at a build taking well over 3yrs, wonder how long the real Bismarck took to build?

Just to pee you off even more, yesterday I picked up issue 15 via the newsagent ;D ......more flippin planks!

Martin (Admin)

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #130 on: June 07, 2007, 12:58:51 pm »

Mine turned up too. 7,8,9,10 &11.


OK Daryl, who do you know ?!?!  ;D
"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #131 on: June 07, 2007, 01:00:46 pm »




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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #132 on: June 07, 2007, 01:02:32 pm »

Ordered: 16 November 1935
Laid down: 1 July 1936
Launched: 14 February 1939
Commissioned: 24 August 1940


Martin (Admin)

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #133 on: June 07, 2007, 01:03:22 pm »

How come I only got parts 5,6 & 8 when you got parts 8,9, 10 AND 11 when they told me these were not available?!?!?!?
"This is my firm opinion, but what do I know?!" -  Visit the Mayhem FaceBook Groups!  &  Giant Models


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #134 on: June 07, 2007, 01:19:55 pm »

Ordered: 16 November 1935
Laid down: 1 July 1936
Launched: 14 February 1939
Commissioned: 24 August 1940

At this rate the 12in to the foot scale was quicker.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #135 on: June 07, 2007, 01:22:02 pm »

Mine turned up too. 7,8,9,10 &11.

Reading some of the posts on some of the people there seem not to have built a kit before. Lots of strange posts in very bad english with weird ideas. I know we all have to start somewhere but alot of people don't seem to read the instructions before glueing things together. On there is a list of faults found in Germany which is months ahead of us, they are on something like part 38 odd. There is a rush to order the r/c bits from a couple of German suppliers. Jumping the gun??


Could not agree more, seems a bit daft to me in that questions are being asked that the build advice in the mag tells you about, seems like some people simply dont read the mag build info, and are worrying about things way down the line that will become evident along the way.
Okay the mag is not as descript as it could be but some seem to be assembling by pictures alone or how they think the build should go, then when it goes pearshaped they will be the first to slate the project ::)

One big criticism of the mag is that there is still no mention of the need of waterprof glue if you wish to build the RC version, that to me is irresponsble of Hachette as am sure there will be quite a few ships spring apart in the water, who will be to blame then ???

Yeah I have seen the German RC stuff being offered, I must admit one guy seems to have the experience & knowledge of boats and offering a complete pacage, (wonder if he will still be around when some struggle with the installation of this equipment),  but for a novice to go down a route of mixers three motors and all it involves might overwhelm many, it sounds great in principle but maybe some should simply stick with what is being offered to avoid future heartache.

One thing I dont think many have considered is that anyone who deviates from the intended build will have no comeback on Hachette if there model sinks or as a result of the mods things then dont fit as they will be viewed as having modified the model and Hachette will simply walk away :'(


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #136 on: June 07, 2007, 01:24:06 pm »

How come I only got parts 5,6 & 8 when you got parts 8,9, 10 AND 11 when they told me these were not available?!?!?!?

Its what they do best martin.....lie thru there back teeth >:(

Or maybe they did not have enough shop returns to send what you needed ;D

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #137 on: June 07, 2007, 01:30:02 pm »

Ordered: 16 November 1935
Laid down: 1 July 1936
Launched: 14 February 1939
Commissioned: 24 August 1940

At this rate the 12in to the foot scale was quicker.


Says it all ;D


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #138 on: June 07, 2007, 01:31:11 pm »

Good point, the buildthebismarck forums ( posts have been popping up for the last week with people saying they have got there parts including the elusive 7. Is it me or did they say in the first part that we woudl get 4 parts per month? so far issue 1 I got from Smiths, three weeks later I got 2&3, one month later I got 4, 5& 6 and now SIX weeks later I got parts 7 to 11. interesting to see how long I have to wait untilt he next batch turns up. Whatever numbers they are.

Martin have you rang Hattechtte with the UK number you might get somewhere withthem as reading between the lines they have had quite a few 'calls complaining about Jacklins lack of help.

Also if you look on ther is a list of known faults found in Germany, these might be worth bearing in mind to see if they had sorted them out in the UK realease. Thereis a lot of other so called faults listed on that web site most of them are spurious with people not reading the instructions properly.

Keep us informed with how you are getting on. So far junior who is building this on has said the instructions are very good to follow, some of the frame are a very tight fit and one or two are a bit sloppy.But all together it is going together well and he is very pleased with it. Just for the record he's 14 and this is his 4th r/c boat he is doing and he has been modelling since he was 10. I've been doing this for over 30yrs off and on



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #139 on: June 07, 2007, 01:38:13 pm »

Its good he has an experienced guiding hand as its easy to get carried away with a wish list as a novice (which many building the Bismarck are) such as rotating turrets etc like some are doing.

Hopefully the supply problems will be sorted soon as only goes to it spoil the anticiaption of the build.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #140 on: June 07, 2007, 01:47:23 pm »

He intends building it out of the box or should that be out of the letterbox. Sam says he would like twin drive and a mixer to help steering.We are currently renovating a US crusier, (same version as nomustang mark has just over the river from us) that we intend to put roatating turrets and sound/smoke system in, the Bismarck however is very much Sam's project. Some of the ideas on the other web site are very advanced for novices. This looks as though it is going to turn out a good kit, as a belt and braces job we are lining the inside of the hull with resin. Good point about the glue I am surprised too they didn't mention it.

Sam reads the mag before he starts anything and preferably reads the next one to see what is lined up next.

Me apart from the crusier I am finishing off a Caldercraft puffer( nightmare instructions and parts fit) and then on to HMS Lion.



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #141 on: June 07, 2007, 01:52:25 pm »

Just a thought how many of 'us' are members of ? site seem a bit more sensable but as Paul Daniles says not a lot.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #142 on: June 07, 2007, 02:16:47 pm »

I just dip in the 'other' sites now & then though the site's build seems way behind which is a little odd when that is what the site is about, there are a few others around too which are a waste of space, like you say the .com site seems more sensible though seems very quiet.

I think the Bismarck kit itself will be be okay and many should have a very nice ship at the end of the series, certainly cant rush the build and it does come from a good home being Amati product, quality so far seems to be okay and the build is straight forward though as ever with these things the planking does get a bit monotonous at times.

I dabble in all types of models both static & RC and have been at it for the best part of 44yrs and have a load of stuff on the go at the moment, suppose am lucky as have my own workshop to do my thing which has also a combined use of escaping er in doors too ;D


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #143 on: June 07, 2007, 03:26:33 pm »

I just had a 'phone call from Gillian at Hattchette, ( rang the UK number Down Below very kindly supplied). She was glad my bits have arrived. But did say that their customer services had tried to ring me on several occasions and the 'phone was busy. odd as I gave her my mobile number which I rarely use. So she is going to e-mail them as they want to confirm my bank account detaisl which I think they have now at last got correct and why I keep getting different dispatch dates.

Martin- have you rung the UKoffice? they seem more helpful than the callcentre. If you do let us know how you get on.

One thing Ihave noticed about the Uk site build the guy departs frequently from the instrution, for instance he glued together all of the keel plates before fitting in the frames. I think it is asking for trouble unless you are very experienced or have all th parts in front of you to make sure you don't trip yourself up later.


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #144 on: June 07, 2007, 05:22:33 pm »

The call centre is just trying to cover there backs by saying your number was constantly engaged, as afterall they are engaged by Hachette to provide its customer service, what they really mean is they have not called you at all as you well know, Hachette's HO will always ensure a problem gets sorted as the last thing they want is hundreds of complaint emails or calls and its nice to see yours is being looked there is a god!

I agree re departing the build as it must only go to confuse some, but then again he is covered as it does state he accepts no responsibility for anyone following his route, so whats the point then you might well ask, suppose its someone who simply wants to show off there building skills as the guy has done two or three  builds for Hachette partworks previously (Titanic & Red Barron plane), wonder why no other brand name, maybe am just a little suspicious as you never see a disparaging remark against Hachette from him so maybe there is some link to Hachette there though the site info indicates not, makes interesting reading all the same.

Modifications are fine if you know exactly what the outcome is to be, but for a novice to deviate from a basic build could well be a route they later regret, each to there own I suppose and we all have our short cuts that we have learned over time.

I cant wait to get past the planking as its doing my head in.



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #145 on: June 07, 2007, 09:39:19 pm »

One thought struck junior and I, we assume Hachette has done their calculations on weight distribution to make sure it floats with the minimmum of trimming and floats at the correct level. Now without vast amounts of experience, ( not apparent so far on that web site) or some knowledge of what is to come, them making major alterations like cutting into the keel and additng bigger and a extra motor might make life difficult later. And thats without adding gadjets like roatating turrets, one person contemplated making them fire BB's until someone pointed out how small the diameter of the barrel would have to be to be in scale.

I agree about the Hachette appeciation society, remember when the issue 4 letter fiasco appeared. he seemed to get all the infomation before anyone else including Hachettes apology. I have noticed several plugs for the German guy who sells the r/c gear, good luck to him but I wonder if Jorg (white ensign) has heard of him on the German forums. Apparently he has fallen out with some of them judging by some of his posts in the last few weeks. I have doen a few price comparissions with equivelnt gear you can get in the UK the prices work out the same if not a tad dearer. On a similar vein who is Lassek who they mention makes alternative rudders and props? never heard of him or them?

Another thought, in one of the threads a guy has posted a web address with a .pdf file of a scan of the plans from the book Anatomy of The Ship Bismarck. He has also offered to send the file to anyone interested. A breach of copyright which Martin would quite rightly throw a wobbley if anyone here done it. One their he's treated as a messia.


Still it makes intersting reading.

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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #146 on: June 08, 2007, 09:16:18 am »

I agree totally and here is more food for thought...........

What seems to be the case is that this Bismarck was originally intended as a static display model only and the option for an RC version was thrown in at the very last minute, this decision must have come as an after thought after issue 1 had been printed, tell you for why.....

From issue 1 to present there is not one mention of the RC option in any of the mags hence why the use of waterproof glue does not appear into the info either, each mag will be printed something like 2-3 weeks in advance of when they are due for circulation.
If you look on Hachette's web site strangely enough there is no mention of an RC version, if you wanted to promote something then surely you would sing all its spec as an RC option is a good selling point is it not?

The only mention and a brief note of the RC version was on the backing boards that came with issues 1, 2 and I think 3 as well as the additional pull out leaflet, this info came over to me as somehow being low key, very brief and looked as though it had been squeezed in as an afterthought.

A concern I do have but am not a 100% sure, have Amati ever produced an RC ship kit?

From what I can make out on there web site there stuff seems to be all build-up static display models and not RC , if this is the case then it seems we have the marriage of Amati who have never done an RC ship and Thunder Tiger (who are to supply the RC system) who have never produced an RC wooden build-up ship, so it appears we have a static display model in which Thunder Tiger are to make the RC transformation which as a result could well be a 'Hatchet Job' :o
Dont get me wrong, no doubt the RC installation info will follow in the mags at the appropriate time which has worked out quite nicely for them as it comes well down the line, though may be a little awkward to install if its left too late.
One thing for sure, if they do provide any weighting or trim info then it will be in relation to the RC gear they are to supply, so it is likely to be a steep learning curve for the novice that steps outside what is on offer, I say on offer as the RC system including motors & esc (though I see no cell pack or charger) costs 169 Euro in Germany, so I suppose around £115 when it lands here, it is likely to be quite basic but it works, i can already see some differences as the motors in Germany are Graupner Speed's yet the ones shown for the UK are unbranded and look cheapies, even the running gear looks very different, this has always been a problem with partworks in that quite often the items they show are not quite what you get, but they have a get-out clause stating 'goods maybe not as shown' which stinks in my view, when I buy something I expect to get what I see >:(

Cant say I have heard of Lassek but seem well known in Germany, who has actually tested this stuff on this Bismarck?...Even Germany are only at issue 40 so no Bis's complete yet to be 100% sure of the run factor, I see they are opting for different rudders to the ones supplied with the RC system, maybe the RC system on offer is naff and why all this is coming about?
It seems a situation of trying to out do each other re what is best, however it does appear that the german guy is very knowledgeable about what he is doing so all credit to him, i just hope the end result turns out ok as those who have bought into his stuff on offer will be on the warpath if it all goes belly-up.

I love the comment about BB use for the guns, this is what i was saying about a wish list than can run away with you, as for copyright, that guy could well end up with a hefty bill on his hands for copyright breach, am surprised the webmeister has not picked that one up.

It was one of the members who posted a copy the issue 4 letter and brought it to light, the webmeister seems then to have contacted Hachette for confirmation or explanation, but why would he post there offical reply and appear supportive of it?

I notice one thing that was side stepped, the query about the series being on test in the UK and how the issue 4 cancelation letter came about, Hachette in there own words say the series was on test in the UK, in that case how come there is no evidence of any Bismarck 'test' customers?....Someone is telling porkies as there appears to be no proof to substantiaite this and if there was a new ship model on the market 'am sure it would have surfaced on a forum such as this first (pardon the pun), in that case was the letter a big mistake ?.....if it was then one hell of a mistake as they have had to post appologies all over the place to prevent customers returning boxes of bits asking for a refund....suppose we will never know.

All good stuff........... 


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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #147 on: June 08, 2007, 09:35:44 am »

I totally agree,allready after issue 8 which has most of the frames in place the weight may be a concern, we now have to have two layers of planking plus supersturcture and r/c bits. I wonder if the pre-production models was finished with the r/c gear and floats correctly.

The next 3-4 years should be interesting, juniour is ploughing ahead, apparently he is sub-contracting the sanding of the hull out..... to me. He says 'thats what dads are for'



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #148 on: June 08, 2007, 10:14:48 am »

Yep I have just come to the same conclusion, this will be a first for Amati, it looks like they have not produced a R/C model before.

So far the quality of the kit is good.



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Re: Build the Bismarck - a "Hachett" job?
« Reply #149 on: June 08, 2007, 10:33:08 am »

I have just had a quick troll throught he web for r/c models for ther Bismarck at 1/200. It appears that they weigh around 10kg.

Junior and I too have the impression that the r/cc ideas was a last minute thing, but we like challengies and amati normally produce good quality kits. At least we can spread the cost over 3-4 years which has the approvial of swmbo.

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