
one of the important things with that we never need to say sorry

, however it is important to understand fact

1. vintage battle vessels... such as the dreadnaught class..did have auxiliary AA ancillaries mounted atop of the principal armament
2. the hydraulic & electrical supply for these AA ancillaries was via the principal armament structure
3. these secondary AA ancillaries had not only independent hydraulic systems to the principal armament, but also independent electrical supply systems to their own independent hydraulic/electrical systems...over again to the principal armament
4. the principal armament was controlled by mechanical computers [gears, cogs, pins & disks.....] Bill Gates parent's were not born yet

5. the secondary AA ancillaries were ...'aim & shoot'.....nothing more ....nothing less
With reflection....the electro/mechanical military designer/stratagets of the last century were brilliant thinkers

& possibly a little before or ahead of their time
