Anmo - Could not have put it better myself and is what we are trying to convey, the addition of a thrid motor changes an awful lot.
What the German guys failed to say from the outset is if you wish to go the three motor route then it should be incorporated from the start of the build and not as an afterthought, or if your a novice to building such models especially that incorporate RC then the safest bet is to stick with the two motor set-up being offered via Hachette, as no doubt it is a tried & tested installation that works.
I agree scratch builders do make mistakes and like you say they are there own miistakes not those of some designer in a far off land or for that matter modification components being offered in that the end result has yet to be put to the test

Martin - Basically its a cheap cheap route to what they need to achieve, its quite comon place for partwork components to be of an old design format or poor quality, simple reason being they are very cheap to manufacture and have a high profit value, it is what partworks are all about, getting a product out there for little as possible cost but for the highest perceived value, you get a load of parts it looks like you get a lot for your money, you get two items and it looks poor value for money

Yes your right the gear format could have so much better better electronically done but that was never going to happen with what is on offer hence why the RC pack on offer is about as basic as it gets, however nothing stopping you adding what components suits you as long as you have some idea of what you are upagainst.
I digress, but can remember a couple or three years ago Deagostini did an RC car, it had a mechanical speed controller which was naff and went out with the ark donkeys years ago, it had loads of burn-out problems and very inefficient, a simple esc swop gave that model the shot in the arm it needed