Daryl - Well what do you know, I got the exact box standard reply you got from Jacklins, and they also chose to ignore the query re the battery/charger as they did with your query, there reply is as vague as it could possibly be.
The opening paragraph reads......
"From issue 23, the step by step instructions will give the opportunuity to make the model either static or radio-controlled"
So do we assume they mean that from 23 onwards there will be additional info in the mags for the RC builders of the model which the static builders should ignore?
The 2nd paragraph reads.....
" For the people who choose the RC option, there will be a special offer to get the engine and the RC unit, the offer will be confirmed later on."
The way I read this is there is to be an offer of an RC pack which will be confirmed later on in the series, so basically the offer is not in 23 but later in the series?
Still no response directly from Isabelle at Hachette which may suggest they dont want to reveal any more than what Jacklins have already been told to say.
I notice our mutual friend has chosen not to ignore that guys request for details of what to do re chopping his build (which is already at issue 11) to accomodate the three motor set-up, I did say the guy would get peed off being repeatedly pestered for the info on his set-up, wonder if a vanishing act is part of his build too
Picked up issue 16 today, not far to 23 and all will then become clearer hopefully but not doubt it will only raise further puzzles ::)