It WILL sell and make them a handsome profit into the margin .
I recall a similar thread raised on a model plane forum (most of them actually) about De Agostini and their part works with a Spitfire . This raised a lot of heated discussion as the Spitfire model is arguably not the easiest to fly when it complete , regardless who's kit it is .
As it transpires The distributors took on board ALL (and there were many thousands) of comments about it (they even went on Watchdog BBC) to make sure any builder to make aware that it was outside the scope of a newcomer without flying training.
Anyway I digress , I also think it will sell and sell well as more than the few will be able to afford to buy outright this model (maybe 40" by the pics ?) in one hit as it were and the option of a slow build at a fiver a week will appeal to some on limited income.
I reckon they will sell loads myself , I just hope that the majority of the buyers see it through and do a credible build

Oh and there were and are loads of the Deagostini Spitfires now doing the rounds up and down the country with the builders taking the idea on board that it may not of been a good choice for a first model an have taken on board the idea of joining a club and learning to fly first !
Lets hope this is a lesson learnt .
This I believe applies to boating as well before I am jumped upon !
I was actually looking at the model myself as it doesn't appear a bad un from the pics and a nice size as well , I doubt I could wait for each edition to come out though its toooooo long winded in my opinion.