Thanks Daryl....... more abuse...... 
Maybe Martin, but all 'in a nice way', I hope.
Daryl was right about that step by step planking tutorial, very good indeed, but it's really aimed at modellers building proper plank on frame models, where they want all the craftsmanship to show, and the end result to
look planked with lovely joints and contrasting wood grain everywhere. All that talk of tapered planks and stealers isn't very relevant to what you're trying to achieve here, where you want your model to look anything but planked, after it's been covered with a few coats of grey paint. You're trying to replicate a steel hull, not a wooden ship. I think I can see what the makers are trying to achieve by not staggering joints in the usual way, they are trying to simplify the planking process for modellers who may never have done anything like this before, but until we see the finished result, we aren't going to know whether they've got away with it or not.