Many thanks everyone, some really useful information. I know a lot more now than a week ago.
I think I need to explain where I’m at :-
I used to love scratch building models, from a fully sectioned Apollo Command / Service module (from plans & photos), some unusual slot racing car replicas making my own vacuum formings, and a nearly 3 ft long wood hulled model of HMS Cressy powered by a Mamod marine steam engine. However, that was many years ago.
I hope I am not 'out of my depth' here, never having built a submarine, or even seen one except on video clips. Maybe I need to go to some events and meet submariners. Whilst I have every confidence in building a very detailed ‘dry’ display model of a ‘K’ I would really love to build it as a fully operational boat, without replicating the first voyage of the K13 (lost on trials).
It appears that I may have to design and build a complete bespoke static dive system and ‘tech deck’, rather than adapt an existing professional system. I reckon I could need around 1.5 to 2.0 litre ballast volume. At least it’s fortunate I have a very large Koi pond for testing purposes.