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Author Topic: 360 degree control of azipods  (Read 1901 times)


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360 degree control of azipods
« on: April 14, 2011, 12:23:23 pm »

Hi guys

Found the forum whilst searching for info, so I'm new here, but hoping somebody might be able to help!

I've built a couple of boats (and lots of planes in the past) and thought it was time to have another go. So I'm part way through building a 1:72 version of USCGC Makinaw which seems to be a nice all-rounder:

The ship has twin azipods and a bowthruster. The real thing can independently steer and throttle each pod. I've looked through all the azipod threads I can find, and I'm happy for them to work as a pair, but I can't work out how to control the pods! I have 2 options (that I can think of)

1) use 2 channels (ie 1 stick) of a 4 channel radio to give me 360degree movement of the pod. Other stick for throttle and thruster.
2) build a transmitter enclosure where 1 channel (with a separate stick) moves in a circle and controls a 360degree servo.

Now I'm not sure the first is possible (well, maybe with a fancy radio but not on my cheapo 2.4GHz set) so I'm leaning toward the second... Do people think it would work? The electronics and building seem simple enough, but I don't want to try it if there's an obvious problem and it won't work!

And most importantly, is there an obvious solution I've missed?

Thanks for any help!

Neil (le.bonnett)

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Re: 360 degree control of azipods
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 05:52:18 pm »

You could do a number of things,

 1) rig the pod to a motor then use a speedo to move the pod each way and through 360 degrees, this way you can move the pod very slowly and accurately. and with two pods and two speedos move two pods indepentently from 2 sticks or two pods from 1 stick ( on a 4 channel set ) you could also use a Y lead from 1 channel to control two speedos to 2 pods for movement.

Regards Sub.



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Re: 360 degree control of azipods
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 10:37:56 pm »

I hadn't thought of that - 'tis a good idea.

The only problem (I think) is that I wouldn't know which way the pods are facing - I was really trying to find a way that would give me 360 degree control in a way that I knew where the thrusters were pointing. Maybe I'm trying to be too greedy...



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Re: 360 degree control of azipods
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 10:41:59 am »

A large gear, and a high torque servo can get you plenty of rotation.
The same ratios can also be achieved using pulleys and timing belts.

With a little bit of transmitter programing and large gears, I get 270º of steering on my schottels.

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